Chapter 736 Return ([-])

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! You've offended Ben Shao, you're going to die." I couldn't believe that my two attacks in a row were easily broken by a rookie. I felt that my dignity had been challenged. In anger, Cui Shaoguan Not so much, just use your hole card as the Spirit Fire Dragon Saber Festival

Came out.

Among the top-grade Chaos Treasures, the Serving Spirit Fire Dragon Knife can be regarded as the top offensive magic weapon. In the past, relying on this magic weapon, Cui Shao was also one of the best ordinary students in the inner courtyard.

Don't look at Cui Shao's superficial cultivation at the peak of Dao Dzogchen, but in fact he is at the limit of Dao Dzogchen's cultivation base. He is only one step away from becoming a one-star and a half-star powerhouse, otherwise he wouldn't be one of the ordinary students in the inner courtyard. One of the best strong.

On the surface, he is now only at the peak of the Great Dao, it is not because he has any hidden magical powers, but because of the particularity of the exercises he cultivates, which makes his current cultivation temporarily drop to the peak of the Great Dao. Cultivation, anytime
To restore the cultivation base to the limit of the Great Perfection.

His technique is actually related to the Yonglinghuolongdao. He separated part of his primordial spirit and injected it into the Yulinghuolongdao for a period of time and then took it back, not only to make a breakthrough in his cultivation, but also to improve His deed to fire dragon nirvana
With a perfect fit, you can perform the Fire Dragon Nirvana Slash more perfectly.

Separating the primordial spirit would lead to a decrease in his cultivation base. Because of this situation, Wukong did not see his true cultivation base. If Cui Shao took back the primordial spirit in advance, the benefits would be greatly reduced, or even no benefit, although Feeling that Wukong is very strong,

But he still doesn't think that he is strong enough to restore him to his heyday to defeat Wukong. Before his subordinates thought that Wukong had reached half-honored, it was because his subordinates were short-sighted. He didn't think so, after all, he was the real limit of the Great Perfection The strong, know the limit The strong have
How strong, knowing that the strength Wukong showed just now is only in the early stage of the limit of Dao Dzogchen.

"Fire Dragon Nirvana Slash is the first to cut Fire Dragon Roaring." In an instant, a fire dragon roared and roared out, rushing towards Wukong head-on.

The Fire Dragon Nirvana Slash is a Hongmeng Huang rank low-grade martial skill performed in conjunction with the Lingling Fire Dragon Knife. It is performed with Cui Shao's current cultivation at the peak of the Dao Dzogchen, and directly explodes the combat power of the Dao Dzogchen limit, as high as 860 cosmic force


"Stop." "Presumptuous, dare you?" At this moment, several roars came from a distance, carrying great coercion.

Cui Shao's fire dragon roar stagnated for a moment under these voices, but after a while, the fire dragon still roared and rushed towards Wukong with undiminished power.

Wukong had a chance to escape the moment when the fire dragon's roar was affected and stagnant, but he didn't do that, but looked at the oncoming fire dragon with a smile on his face.

"I really don't give up." Shaking his head, Wukong punched out suddenly.

"Bang!" A huge explosion resounded through the sky, and the fire dragon immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames and engulfed Wukong.

"Hahahaha, this is the end of provoking this young master." Seeing Wukong engulfed in flames, Cui Shao laughed arrogantly and loudly.

Five figures came from two directions respectively, and these five people were the five semi-respected powerhouses among the two groups of people. When they realized that Cui Shao was about to attack Wukong, they immediately shouted to stop, and accelerated to catch up. Come on, it turned out to be a step late.

"Shu, swipe, swipe!" In an instant, the five of them looked at Cui Shao unanimously, staring at Cui young man viciously, but they didn't make a move immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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