Chapter 737 Return ([-])

"Cui Changrui, what do you mean? You didn't hear what we said, did you? Don't really think that we dare not touch you." A man with a cold breath among the five asked Cui Changrui expressionlessly, and at the same time A mighty coercion descends upon

Cui Changrui's body.

Cui Changrui staggered under this coercion, almost eating shit, finally stabilized his body, Cui Changrui raised his head with difficulty, stared fiercely at the young man who was putting pressure on him in the air, and said in a threatening tone: " Hmph, Zhao Hai

, you can try if you have the guts. "

"You!" Zhao Hai increased the oppression on Cui Changrui angrily, and Cui Changrui finally couldn't bear it and fell to his knees.

"Zhao Hai, stop." A white-clothed man beside Zhao Hai shouted loudly, and at the same time waved his right hand, immediately dissolving the coercion that Zhao Hai had exerted.

Suddenly losing the pressure acting on his body, Cui Changrui sprang to his feet. He is not an ordinary person, and he stabilized his figure with a little luck.

"Bai Song, what do you mean?" Bai Song, as the name suggests, is dressed in a white robe, and his body is as tall and straight as a pine. This Bai Song is with Lu Peng, and that Zhao Hai is one of the three people. The relationship between them is obviously not very good.

Otherwise, Zhao Hai wouldn't have asked Bai Song with a frosty face.

"Hmph, don't drag us if you want to die." Bai Song also didn't have a good face to respond to Zhao Hai.

"Bai Song, you." Zhao Hai still wanted to say something, but before he finished, he was stopped by a red-haired young man beside him: "Enough, Zhao Hai, you give me enough time, don't forget us The main purpose of coming here."

"Zhao Hai, Cui Changrui is nothing to be afraid of, but we have to care about the family behind him, even if we ignore his family in Qingfeng Taoist Temple, but we have to care about his elder brother who is extremely protective.
He is a strong man on the earth evil list, not something we can fight against. You have already taught him a lesson, don't go too far. "The red-haired young man reprimanded Zhao Hai on the surface, but secretly persuaded him through voice transmission.

Even if they were afraid of Cui Changrui's elder brother, Cui Changrui's elder brother was not present at the moment, but Cui Changrui couldn't show too much fear, so the red-haired youth had no choice but to stop talking about it, and secretly analyzed the pros and cons to Zhao Hai.

Thinking of Cui Changrui's extremely protective elder brother's previous behavior, Zhao Hai suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and a trace of fear flashed in the corner of his eyes, but he concealed it very well, no one noticed.

Secretly ruthless himself almost recklessly provoke trouble, on the surface Zhao Hai is coldly snorted and no longer utters a word.

"You are finally here." At this moment, Wukong's voice came from the endless sea of ​​flames, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire shrank at an extremely fast speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, Wukong's figure appeared, and the sea of ​​fire finally shrank into a small group of flames suspended in Wukong's body. right index finger

It was beating slightly.

With a light blow, the flames on Wukong's fingertips were instantly extinguished, and the smoke disappeared.

"This, how is this possible? What is going on with you? Aren't you a new student?" Seeing this scene, Cui Changrui completely forgot to put down some cruel words to Zhao Hai, and shouted at Wukong in a panic.

After thinking about it, Cui Changrui laughed wildly while asking and answering: "By the way, 99 years ago, you snatched away the new student Zixia who obtained the inheritance treasure of the powerhouse of the Dao of Nothingness. You must have taken away her inheritance treasure." Treasure was stolen, so you got

The benefits of inheriting the treasures are why they have improved so much in such a short period of time, yes, that's right, it is definitely the case. "

"In this case, the inheritance treasure should be on your body at this time. If you are sensible, hand over the treasure immediately." Then Cui Changrui threatened Wukong viciously.

(End of this chapter)

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