Chapter 738 Return ([-])

Speechlessly glanced at Cui Changrui, saving Zixia by himself turned into snatching Zixia, and he actually thought that he had snatched away the inheritance treasure, and his subordinates dared to threaten him.

For Cui Changrui, Wukong finally chose to ignore him.

Turning his gaze to the five Baisongs, suddenly Wukong's aura changed, and a powerful fighting spirit surged into the sky, approaching the five Baisongs.

"Chichichi!" Facing Wukong's sudden surge of fighting will, the five Baisong instinctively mobilized their own cosmic power to resist. Looking at the expressions of the five people, they almost capsized in the gutter and were directly caught in the gutter. Wukong's fighting spirit was suppressed.

Although Wukong's fighting spirit has no real physical attack, it can disturb the enemy's will. If the will is slightly weak, he will be defeated without a fight. This is the case for Cui Changrui. At this moment, he completely forgot that he has a strong backer. He was completely afraid of Wukong, and he didn't even dare to look directly at Wukong, let alone continue to speak harsh words. At this time, his body was trembling, and his mind had been crushed. If he couldn't get out of this shadow, he would die in the future It is difficult to step into the realm of half-honored.

"What a powerful fighting spirit, even I was almost affected by it." After Bai Song stabilized his will, he sighed with lingering fear.

"So what about a strong fighting spirit? Strength represents everything. If a newcomer dares to be so presumptuous, let me teach you how to respect your seniors." Zhao Hai was already full of anger, and Wukong's provocation made him He was even angrier, so as soon as he stabilized his mind, he flew forward to teach Wukong a lesson.

"Hmph! Cui Changrui has a backer, so I can't touch him. You are a casual cultivator with no background, and you are still a newcomer. If I want to control you, it is as easy as trampling an ant to death. How dare you be unreasonable to me? You are looking for death." .” Zhao Hai thought coldly in his heart.

Seeing that Zhao Hai was about to make a move, Lu Peng wanted to stop him, but just as he was about to make a move, he was stopped by Bai Song beside him.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, just let Zhao Hai be the first bird! That Monkey King doesn't feel that simple to me, let Zhao Hai try his depth, and we will just wait and see." Bai Song said secretly. Lu Peng said via voice transmission.

After a little thought, Lu Peng agreed with Bai Song's suggestion, and stopped acting rashly, and then stood aside as a spectator. Of course, he would not completely regard himself as a spectator, as long as any accident happened, he would take action at any time.

The red-haired youth who was with Zhao Hai and another blue-clothed youth did not act rashly. They also wanted to see what Wukong was capable of. Of course, it would be better if Zhao Hai could catch Wukong. Then they would stop Bai Song and Lu respectively. Peng will do.

No matter what kind of conspiracy Bai Song and the others are secretly planning, Wukong has only one thought in his mind at this time, and that is to fight, to have a good fight.

Facing Zhao Hai who flew over, Wukong didn't have the slightest fear, on the contrary, his fighting spirit became stronger.

"Let's shoot!" Goku shouted loudly to Zhao Hai who was slowly flying towards him.

"Stinky boy, I think you are really arrogant. Since you want to seek death, then I will help you." Hearing Wukong's words, Zhao Hai felt that he was completely underestimated. This was completely slapping himself in the face. Zhao Hai, who became angry from embarrassment, clapped his palm angrily.

In an instant, a towering giant palm with blazing flames descended from the sky and slapped Wukong below.

(End of this chapter)

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