Chapter 739 Return ([-])

Although the power of this palm is far more powerful than Cui Shao's Fire Dragon Nirvana Slash, it still hasn't surpassed the limit of Dao, which is only nine thousand nine hundred and ninety cosmic power. To deal with a newcomer, Zhao Hai hasn't planned to use half of it as soon as he comes up. Zun's strength, try it first
Think again.

Wukong didn't even look at it, he waved his hand lazily, and said lightly: "Stop tempting, show your true skills!"

In order to prove the authenticity of Wukong's words, Fangfo's towering giant palm disappeared in an instant, as if dissolved by an invisible force.

"Hehe! I wanted to play with you. Since you are so ignorant and eager to find death, then I will help you." How could Zhao Hai fail to see that when Wukong waved his hand just now, a powerful energy fluctuation flashed and disappeared. passed away, and then his own attack was


Now it is known that Wukong also has the powerful strength of a half-respect, even so, Zhao Hai does not take Wukong seriously, thinking that he has such a powerful power in such a short period of time, he must be in an unstable state, and the power control is not enough. ,affim
Not his opponent.

Therefore, he was very dissatisfied with Wukong's contemptuous attitude, and laughed angrily. Then an extremely powerful force burst out from Zhao Hai. level.

This tyrannical force washed Wukong's body, but Wukong was not affected by it at all.

A trace of disappointment appeared on Wukong's face, "It's still too weak, not enough, it seems that I still have to go to the inner courtyard." The idea of ​​going to the inner courtyard to test his current strength flashed in Wukong's mind Pass.

"In this case, let's solve it quickly!"

With a "click", Zhao Haigang was about to attack Wukong when he suddenly felt a sense of danger and quickly deployed his shield. Unfortunately, Wukong's punch could not be blocked by his temporarily deployed shield. The shield instantly shattered, and then Zhao Hai flew upside down like a shell.

"So fast, so explosive." Bai Song and the others were stunned by this sudden situation.

Originally thought that Zhao Hai would easily take Wukong down if he showed his true skills, but he didn't expect Wukong to get close to Zhao Hai in an instant, breaking through Zhao Hai's defense with one punch and knocking Zhao Hai into the air.

Although Zhao Hai was a bit careless, it also showed that they really underestimated Wukong.

In fact, Wukong is also merciful, otherwise Zhao Hai will be killed in seconds if he has no time to defend, and the current situation will not happen.

"Boom" A powerful breath erupted from Wukong, sweeping the audience.

"If you are not much different from him, then it's best not to ask for trouble, I'm not interested in playing with you." Wukong directly exposed a part of his strength to shock Baisong and others.

Only this part of the strength is far more than Zhao Hai, Wukong can naturally see that even if Bai Song and the others are stronger than Zhao Hai, they are not much stronger, revealing these strengths is enough.

"This is? This is the aura of a two-star and a half-star. How is it possible? He actually reached a two-star and a half-star in such a short time? The inheritance treasure must be the inheritance treasure." Bai Song and the others were indeed shocked by the power displayed by Wukong.

It also made them even more crazy, so that they lost their minds. Bai Song rushed to Wukong first, and shouted loudly: "This inheritance treasure is mine, and only I can have it. Hand it over."

"Humph! The inheritance treasure is mine." The red-haired boy was also driven mad by the benefits, and also burst out with a powerful force to rush towards Wukong. Lu Peng and the blue-clothed boy were not far behind, and also rushed towards Wukong.

"Hey! I kindly let you go, but I have to ask for trouble." Wukong shook his head helplessly, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

"Bang bang bang bang" four impact sounds sounded, and the next moment, the four of Bai Song flew upside down, knocked down countless towering giant trees like Zhao Hai, and then stopped, lying there motionless, unconscious.

At this time, Wukong's figure appeared a thousand meters away, heading towards the direction of return.

Seeing Wukong leave, Cui Changrui, who was still awake, and his subordinates who were injured and hid in the distance were shocked by Wukong's strength, and they didn't dare to come out to stop them, but watched Wukong leave helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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