Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 741 College Competition

Chapter 741 College Competition ([-])

"When Xiaoling said that, I remembered it. When I was nervous, I almost forgot that those supreme powers can't attack you, and this is within the range of Yaoguang Peak in the outer courtyard, and the students from the inner courtyard can't just come here to make trouble. The main thing is that the college competition will be held in less than a year, and in a few days we will go to the venue of this year's college competition, so no one will take action against you for the time being, as long as we are here If we got a good ranking in the college competition, the college will definitely pay more attention to us, and it will be more difficult for other students to trouble us." Qi Yanfeng suddenly remembered that they had already been selected to participate in the college competition.

"Yes, that's right, all of us have been selected, including you and Zixia." Zhang Yi nodded in agreement.

"College competition? What is that?" After Wukong entered Qingfeng Taoist Temple, he went out to do missions with Zixia. After encountering such a thing, he stayed in Tianjian Pavilion for 99 years and knew nothing about the college competition.

"The college competition is a competition organized by the colleges in the 230 six towns under the jurisdiction of Tianjing County. Our Qingfeng Taoist Temple is the college in Qingfeng Town. This competition is of great significance to every town. The results of the competition Not only is it related to the ranking of individuals, the ranking of the academy, but also the ranking of cities and towns, and the three share honor and disgrace." Qi Yanfeng stood up and told the things he had inquired about the college competitions over the years.

"The college competition is held 100 years after each college selects new students. The time for each college to select new students is the same. The location of the competition is held in a place called Illusory Realm. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a resource grabbing In the competition, the ranking is based on the points, and the points obtained are related to the quantity and quality of the resources obtained in the Illusory Secret Realm. There are treasures that are beneficial to the Supreme Dao powerhouses, and the rankings also determine each individual. The number of times the town can go to the Illusory Realm to mine resources before the next college competition."

"No.1 can be mined one hundred times, No.2 can be mined eighty times, No.3 can be mined seventy times, No.10 to No.11 can be mined fifty times, No.20 to No.30 can be mined Thirty times, No.[-] to [-]th can be mined ten times, No.[-] to [-]th can be mined five times, and those after [-] can only be mined once. These are for towns And the benefits of the academy, because basically all the mined resources are divided by the seven forces in the town and the academy."

"Of course, it is also good for individuals. The resources obtained in the competition belong to the individual, and there will be corresponding rewards according to the ranking. The rewards of each college competition are different, but they are definitely good things. The most important thing is The top ten can enter the Tianjing Academy in the city of Tianjing County, become a student of the Tianjing Academy, and obtain more abundant resources for cultivation."

"Seeing that 99 years have passed since the selection of new students, because the competition venue is very far away from Qingfeng Town, and it will take a lot of high-level resources to establish a direct teleportation array between them, so more than a dozen nearby towns are united in the center We need to build a teleportation array, and due to resource problems, we in Qingfeng Town have no ability to directly build a teleportation array in Qingfeng Town directly to the location of the teleportation array, so in a few days we will set off ahead of time to the outside of Qingfeng Town. Directly to the location of the teleportation array." Qi Yanfeng finished what he had learned about the college competition in one breath.

"Hey, so Brother Wukong, it's really time for you to come back, if you are later, I'm afraid you won't be able to participate in the college competition." Yun Xuanling said happily.

After listening to Qi Yanfeng's explanation, Wukong was very excited, "In the college competition, not only can you compete with the masters from Qingfeng Town, but you can also compete with masters from other towns, hehe."

(End of this chapter)

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