Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 742 College Competition

Chapter 742 College Competition ([-])

"In that case, let's go back to the house and wait for the news!"


Afterwards, Wukong and his party returned to their own training places, leaving only Hong Long and Hong Long. The two looked at each other, but in the end they did not report, but went back to their own training places.

"Even if you are sensible, although my grandson is not afraid, I can't tolerate someone betraying me." Although he returned to the house, Wukong's Daoxuan covered all within a kilometer radius, so Hong Long's small movements couldn't be avoided. Goku's surveillance.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and suddenly Wukong found that the identity jade card in the sea of ​​knowledge was throbbing, so Wukong immediately sent out a trace of Daoxuan to investigate.

It turned out that it was Liu Hong who sent the message, telling him to meet up at the No. [-] square on the mountainside of Yaoguang Peak, and soon to leave for the area where the teleportation array of Lanling Canyon is located.

Those who received this message were all students who were eligible to participate in the college competition.

Wukong's identity badge did not add Liu Hong as a friend, but Liu Hong, as the peak master of Yaoguang Peak, has the right to send messages to the identity jade badges of the students of Yaoguang Peak one-way, and can send messages in groups.

So Wukong immediately sent a sound transmission to Yunxuanling and the others, and the reply was that they had also received the same message, so they came out to meet up and headed to Square [-] together.

Following the map of Yaoguang Peak on the identity card, Wukong and the others soon came to the No. [-] square of Yaoguang Peak.

At this time, besides Wukong and the others in Square No. [-], only the two peak masters Liu Hong and Zhu Ze were sitting and drinking tea not far away, and soon Hong Long also arrived here.

Seeing that Hong Long and the others had also arrived, Liu Hong stood up, and in a flash, he appeared five meters in front of Wukong and the others.

After clearing his throat, Liu Hong said seriously to Wukong and the others: "Ahem, since everyone is here, I will lead you to the inner courtyard next. After meeting with other contestants, you will be led by the Lord Guanzhu." You go to Lanling Canyon, I hope you guys can fight for our Qingfeng Taoist temple."

"Only a few of us from Yaoguang Peak participated, and none of those seniors and sisters participated?" Wukong found out that there were no other students from Yaoguang Peak here at first, and thought they hadn't arrived yet, but now it seems that there is something else hidden.

Hearing Wukong's question, Yun Xuanling and the others also looked at Liu Hong in bewilderment.

As if he knew that Wukong and others would have such doubts, Liu Hong said lightly: "The candidates to participate in the college competition are limited, only the outstanding freshmen and the outstanding old students are allowed to participate, and the outstanding old students are allowed to participate. They are all in the inner court, they are selected from the inner court.”

"Okay, I won't say much, then you can relax, I'll take you to the inner courtyard." Liu Hong waved his hand, and a hexagonal star array appeared at the feet of Wukong and the others.

In an instant, a golden light covered everyone, and in the next moment, Wukong felt the scenery in front of him change, and in a moment, Wukong and others appeared in another square.

Many students, all the peak masters of the outer court, and the elders and temple masters of the inner court have gathered here.

At a glance, the first thing that catches the eye is a dozen people on the high platform in front of them, 13 of them are sitting, and three are standing. Wukong has seen the three standing people, and they are the ten people from the outer court who appeared in the newcomer selection contest. The peak owner of the three peaks in one peak.

Of the 13 people sitting, there is no need to guess that they should be the eleven elders and the two temple masters in the inner courtyard.

Lights flashed from time to time in the square, and then the peak master of the outer court appeared on the square with the participating students from his peak.

Then Liu Hong explained a few words to Wukong and others, and then walked to the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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