Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 743 College Competition

Chapter 743 College Competition ([-])

Soon, all the contestants from the Eleven Peaks of the Outer Court and those from the Inner Court arrived, and all the peak masters of the Eleven Peaks in the Outer Court also stood on the high platform.

Then a handsome young man sitting in the center of the platform stood up and walked towards the edge of the platform.

All the students looked at the high platform intently at this moment, waiting for the young man's instructions.

After looking around, the young man's voice reached everyone's ears, "Students, I think most of you are still unfamiliar with me, let me introduce myself first, I am the two masters of Qingfeng Taoist Temple One of them, Xuan Yuan, I will not talk nonsense, and I will lead you to participate in the college competition, I hope you can win glory for the college."

Then Xuan Yuan did not talk nonsense, just waved his hand, and all the students were enveloped by an incomparably vast force, unable to move at all.

In the next moment, Xuan Yuan led the students through time and space to a large hall in the inner courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. In this hall, there is a huge teleportation circle, which can reach any space in Qingfeng Town The teleportation tower is one of the few advanced teleportation circles in Qingfeng Town.

"Stand in the teleportation array" Before everyone looked around, Xuan Yuan's voice reached everyone's ears.

Everyone followed Xuan Yuan into the teleportation formation, only to see Xuan Yuan injecting vast cosmic power into the formation's eye.

Then a flash of brilliance flashed, and a group of Wukong appeared in a space teleportation tower at the outermost edge of the eastern region of Qingfeng Town.

"Don't say anything, just be honest and follow me." As soon as he appeared in this space teleportation tower, Xuanyuan's voice appeared in Wukong's mind.

Knowing that Xuan Yuan didn't want to make a high profile, everyone followed Xuan Yuan to the outside of the city honestly.

Several hours later, Wukong and his party followed Xuanyuan to the edge of a canyon.

When he got here, Xuan Yuan stopped listening, turned around and said to everyone: "Stop first."

After leading everyone to stay where they were, Xuan Yuan continued: "I think you must be wondering why I took you all the way here wasting time after leaving the city, right?"

After looking around, Xuan Yuan laughed loudly when he saw that the disciples of the big forces were also puzzled, "Haha, this has no deep meaning at all, it's purely my pleasure."

They thought Xuan Yuan would say some great truth, but when they heard what Xuan Yuan said, everyone suddenly felt a black line appear on their foreheads.

But even though everyone knew they were being tricked, it was not easy to get angry, let alone the identity of the other party, it was not easy to get angry because of their strength.

Seeing everyone eating soft-shelled turtles, Xuan Yuan suddenly felt relieved. Inadvertently, Xuan Yuan found a person standing there very calmly, without any mood swings at all because of being played by him.

This person is Wukong, and Wukong doesn't take Xuanyuan's pranks seriously at all.

"This son's temperament is not bad. After all, he has undergone a lot of tempering in the lower universe. Compared with him, although the original residents of the Hongmeng Sanctuary are considered strong compared to the lower universe, they are still young here. People, in the past, they spent most of their time cultivating in colleges, with very little tempering, especially those children of big forces. Although they are strong, most of them have worse xinxing, and those with small forces and casual cultivators are stronger. Although this son came to the outer domain and the other two in the lower universe, although they didn't have much tempering, they are much better than the children of these big forces, and they don't have that sense of superiority." Xuan Yuan quickly reacted to everyone's performance. judged.

(End of this chapter)

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