Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 744 Competition Time

Chapter 744 Competition Time ([-])

Cleaning up his mood, Xuan Yuan said to everyone with a serious face: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I'm going to tell you something serious next, presumably some of you already know what I'm going to say next. "

"That's right, according to past practice, the reason why we set off one year in advance instead of directly establishing a teleportation circle in the academy directly to the location of the teleportation array in Lanling Canyon is not because some of you have rumored that the academy and Qingfeng Town There are not enough resources, and that is because you are required to accept a mission in the next short year for training."

"You must be thinking why is it a short one year? What can be honed in a year? Instead of honing freshmen just after they are recruited? Wouldn't it be better to have a longer time? In fact, it has been proved by the practice of countless predecessors in the college , this task takes one year to do just right for you, and the effect is much better than taking 100 years to do it well."

"Next, let me introduce you to the task you have to do. The rules of this task are very simple. First, let me introduce it to you. This is the edge of Lanling Canyon. The next task you have to do is within a year. If you find the teleportation circle, I will wait for you there. If you find it, you can follow me to participate in the college competition. Leave, you don’t need to go back to the academy, you can go back wherever you came from.”

"Also, for the sake of fairness, the location of the teleportation circle is not the same every time, so it won't be beneficial for you to know the content of this task from the students who participated in the college competition in the past. In the end, you will be divided into groups. There are ten groups in total, and the group leader of each group is Ye Zihong and ten of you, and the group number is the same as your ranking."

"As for the freshmen in your outer court, the grouping is determined by drawing numbers. There are eleven peaks in the outer court, and each peak sends a representative to draw numbers. Since there are only ten groups, two people will draw the same number, and the same number will be drawn. The number means that the people from the two peaks will be in the same group. Alright, let's choose a representative from each peak!"

After Xuanyuan finished speaking, he moved forward, and a blue light curtain appeared in front of everyone, and then the Eleven Peaks each elected a representative to walk out, and Wukong stood up on behalf of Yaoguang Peak.

"Put your hands into the blue light curtain, and then take out the things you touch." Xuan Yuan instructed Wukong and other 11 people to draw numbers.

According to Xuanyuan's instructions, Wukong stretched his right hand into the blue light curtain, and immediately touched a square object, then held it and took it out.

"Number Ten." After pulling out the blue light curtain with his right hand, Wukong spread out his right palm, and lying on the palm of his right hand was a blue jade tablet marked with the word 'ten'.

"Number one."

"I'm number two."

"I'm number one too."

Everyone reported their numbers, but it turned out that number one was duplicated, that is to say, in the first group, the first-ranked Ye Zihong led the freshmen from the two peaks to complete the task.

"Okay, you guys go back to your respective teams. Next, follow the format of groups, each group stand separately, each group leader, organize your team members." Xuan Yuan gave the order to everyone again.

(End of this chapter)

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