Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 745 Competition Time

Chapter 745 Competing Time ([-])
As soon as Wukong turned around, the blue jade card in his hand dissipated as the blue light curtain dissipated.

After returning to Yun Xuanling and the others, there was also a person walking in the direction of Wukong and the others.

"It should be ranked tenth in the inner court. This person is very strong, the stronger the better, so it is interesting." Secretly used Daoxuan to make a general investigation, because he didn't know the specific division of demi-respect, so Wukong only knew The energy contained in the opponent's body is far beyond his own, so it is not clear what level it belongs to.

"You guys will follow me closely later, don't be dragged back by this young master." The visitor looked superior, arrogant and rude, completely ignored Wukong and others, and didn't even introduce himself, Standing directly in front of Wukong and others, waiting for Xuanyuan's next instruction.

Sensing that Yun Xuanling and Qi Yanfeng were about to explode, Wukong immediately sent a voice transmission to them: "Don't act rashly, don't get angry because of such a trivial matter, if you want to slap him in the face, improve yourself."

"However, we are a team now, even if he is strong, he is too arrogant and unreasonable." Qi Yanfeng was bettered, and he immediately calmed down after hearing Wukong's words, Yun Xuanling was still not strong enough.

"Xiao Ling, remember that in this world where the strong are respected, the strong don't need to be reasonable to the weak. As long as you are strong enough, you yourself are the truth, and everyone has their own standards of conduct. You need to impose your own standards on others, just be yourself." Wukong echoed.

"Well, I understand, I won't cause trouble first." Yun Xuanling was finally appeased by Wukong.

Compared with Yun Xuanling and Yun Xuanling, Zhang Yi and Hong Long were much calmer. They were not dissatisfied with that person's bad attitude. Zhang Yi knew the disparity between his own strength and the opponent's, so he had to endure it. It is very likely that he is a child of a powerful force, and he cannot implicate the Zhang family because of his own reasons.

Although Hong and Long didn't have any background concerns, they were casual cultivators after all. They had practiced for a long time and had experienced some storms. Not to mention that their strength was far inferior to that of the other, even if they were about the same, they dared not say a word, because the other It is very likely that they are the children of the powerful, they are not something they can offend, they are for the sake of their own safety, and in their cognition, the strong should be like this, why should they be polite to the weak.

After seeing that everyone has divided into teams, Xuan Yuan loudly explained the final major matters, "Okay, since you have all divided into teams, I will announce two main rules that you need. First, each team leader You are not allowed to bring the team members into the space magic weapon and your own universe. You must cooperate to find the teleportation circle. Second, you are not allowed to kill each other. I will keep watching you in the dark. If I find that you are fighting each other because of personal grievances If you do so, you will do so at your own risk. Alright, each of your groups will enter the canyon separately and start the mission."

It seems that these two rules have been known for a long time. Following Xuan Yuan's order, the team leaders of each team immediately led the team members into the Lanling Canyon from different positions.

Only a small number of freshmen in the outer courtyard knew this rule. After hearing this rule, they were calm. Those who did not know this rule were a little uneasy.

In the process of entering the canyon, these people kept complaining in their hearts.

"Why is there the first rule? In this case, we freshmen are not very dangerous. There is only one senior from the inner school with us. When we encounter powerful monsters, we will not be able to take care of them. How can we protect us?"

"With our strength, it is even difficult to protect ourselves. How can we find the teleportation circle! The time is still so short."

(End of this chapter)

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