Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 753 Competition Time

Chapter 753 Competition Time ([-])
"Uh, don't you have any opinion on my identity as a monster? Aren't the cultivators of the human way and the cultivators of the demon way hostile?" It was Wukong's turn to be puzzled. more sensitive.

Because I read a book about the ascetics of the Hongmeng Sanctuary in the Zhang family before, and the ascetics of the human way and the ascetics of the demon way are hostile.And Qingfeng Town belongs to the territory of the ascetics of the human way, but judging from Xu Yi's behavior and tone of voice at this time, it seems that there is no problem with the presence of the ascetics of the demon way in the territory of the ascetics of the human way.

"So you are worried about this! It seems that you are a cultivator from a relatively remote demon tribe. You really have short-sightedness. Human cultivators and demon cultivators have coexisted peacefully for more than 3000 million Hongmeng years. No, It should be said that we have peacefully coexisted with the lineage of the Sky Demon Clan among the demon cultivators, and are still hostile to the lineage of the Monster Beasts. They are hostile to monsters." Xu Yi's expression was very arrogant, as if he was showing off that he knew more and had a lot of knowledge.

"Although we haven't heard of monks of the lineage of the Sky Monster Race in the place where our humane cultivators live in Qingfeng Town, there are many cultivators of the lineage of the Sky Monster Race in other towns near our Qingfeng Town. Those who are active, if I guessed correctly, the Tianyao tribe you belong to is either living in a hidden place in a forest mountain range in Qingfeng Town, or in a hidden place in a forest mountain range near Qingfeng Town , I haven’t been to other towns for a long time, so I have such short knowledge, am I right?” Xu Yi is very proud, and only those with high status among the big forces in Qingfeng Town will have this information. Understand, he also has a high status in his family status, so I understand this.

The vast majority of people in Qingfeng Town do not know that the cultivators of the human way and the lineage of the Sky Monster Clan have coexisted peacefully, and most people will not leave Qingfeng Town to other towns, because they do not have that strength, or very few have the strength Some people don't want to go out and wander.

"So that's the case. In this case, there is no need to deliberately hide my identity as a monster." Wukong thought to himself.

Then Wukong followed Xu Yi's words and said: "That's right, I am from a hidden world of the Sky Demon Tribe deep in the Yunqing Forest." Xu Yi's self-righteousness just hit Wukong's heart, so there is no need to argue about his origin , just so I can say that to others in the future, without revealing that I am from the universe of the Great Desolation and Heaven in the Outer Territory of Hongmeng.

"Haha, it's exactly as I expected." Xu Yi laughed wildly.

"Let's get down to business! Otherwise, it will be too late." Under Wukong's perception, he found that the half-level monsters in three directions were getting closer and closer to them. There was no longer any delay, and a decision had to be made as soon as possible.

"Hmph, I don't pay attention to a few half-level monsters in the district, otherwise I will be dragged down by you, I will even dare to break into the gathering place of half-level monsters in the east, but I still have to protect them." For your safety, then we will choose to set off to the west, and there is a monster beast of the half-level level in the west, just missing a piece of map fragment." With a cold snort, Xu Yi made a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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