Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 754 Competition Time

Chapter 754 Competition Time ([-])

At this time, although he knew that Wukong has the ability to detect the half monster in the distance, he would not associate Wukong with the unknown and mysterious person or organization that "lured" him to go east. He didn't think Wukong had that ability.

"It's absolutely impossible. Although there is only one half-monster beast in the west, I feel that he is the strongest. Even the half-monster beasts in the other two directions combined are probably not as strong as him, and they are probably stronger than you. I think We should evacuate to the south, the two monster beasts over there are the weakest, and it is best to break out from there, only by eliminating the two half-monster beasts first, can we hope to go back and deal with the remaining three." Under Wukong's perception , you can feel the strength of the five half monsters.

The two half-monster beasts in the south are the weakest, one of them is only slightly stronger than the half-monster beast that Xu Yi just killed before, and the other is much stronger, but not as good as Xu Yi. Wukong felt much more dangerous than Xu Yi.

Although Xu Yi and Wukong had deliberately slowed down their pace in the battle between Xu Yi and the previous half-monster, he was not present to see Xu Yi kill the half-monster with his own eyes.

But under the cover of his Daoxuan, he was very clear about the battle scene at that time. At the moment when the half-monster died and disappeared, a green light burst out from the half-monster. It was printed on Xu Yi's body.

Xu Yi didn't expect this to happen at all, and he didn't dodge it. Then a green mark appeared on Xu Yi's forehead, and then disappeared immediately. Not long after that, Wukong found that the five half-monster beasts appeared at a high speed. Come here.

At this time, Wukong understood what the mark was. It was a special mark for tracking. The forces behind the dead person will track that person according to the imprint and pursue revenge.

Wukong's previous life would also have this kind of imprint. Of course, this type of imprint is also strong and weak, and the strength of its use varies according to different levels of powerhouses. Although the imprint on Xu Yi's body is not particularly strong, but Xu Yi's strength is Cannot be removed.

Under Wukong's perception, he found that the strongest monster was obviously similar in appearance to the one killed by Xu Yi, so Wukong guessed that the tracking mark on the killed monster should be the strongest monster left.

Therefore, there is no way for Wukong and the others to escape from the pursuit of the five monsters. It is impossible to escape to the southwest or northwest. They must be eliminated one by one, otherwise they will be hunted down all the time. kill.

"Hmph, stronger than me? Then I'll go and teach the half monster in the west to see how strong he is." Xu Yi snorted coldly, actually saying that the No.10 Tianjiao in the inner courtyard is not as good as him Of course Xu Yi was not happy about a half-monster beast that he hadn't met yet.

"No, even if you are stronger than him and can defeat him, I'm afraid you won't be able to solve it for a while. If we turn to the west, the half monsters in the other two directions will definitely turn to follow us immediately. When the time comes, the monsters in the other two directions will follow us." Beast and the strongest monster rendezvous, it will be too late to evacuate by then." Wukong resolutely vetoed.

"Hmph, you look too highly at those half-monster beasts, right? Based on the distance they can detect with their holy thoughts, it is impossible to detect us at such a distance. How could they know that we are going to the west? Wait for us to meet the one in the west When the monsters meet and fight, they are at our current position at most. Even if the monster sends them a signal immediately, before they get there, I can definitely kill the strongest monster. You stay away, and I'll get rid of them. It's absolutely fine." Xu Yi's attitude was very arrogant, and he didn't disdain those five half-monster beasts at all.

(End of this chapter)

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