Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 755 Competition Time

Chapter 755 Competition Time ([-])

"Don't you know that you have been hit by the tracking mark? They are always monitoring our movements, so if we evacuate to the west, we will only be surrounded soon. The monsters in the south are the weakest, and if we evacuate to the south, it will not be very difficult. They will be surrounded soon, and we can solve the two first."

"How do you know that I got the tracking mark?" Xu Yi didn't intend to say that he got the tracking mark, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Wukong.

"Although I didn't arrive at that time, I was not too far away from you at that time. My holy thoughts can cover the area where you are fighting." Of course Wukong would not say that his spiritual consciousness is at the Daoxuan level.

At the same time, Wukong found that the distance between the five monsters was getting closer and closer, so he had to quickly decide which way to evacuate, "If you believe me, we will evacuate to the south as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late."

"Hmph, I only believe in my own strength. It's just a tracking mark planted by a three-star half-honored monster. Don't you think I can't get rid of it." Xu Yi, as a genius, is of course impossible to obey the command of a junior who just started , He has his own dignity and pride.

Xu Yi can judge the approximate cultivation level of the person who planted this mark from the tracking mark in himself.

Then Xu Yi pointed forward, and suddenly a towering tree in front of him gradually shrank, and then turned into Xu Yi's appearance, and even his breath was exactly the same. After that, Xu Yi touched his forehead with his right hand, and a green light suddenly appeared He stepped out, waved his two fingers forward, and in an instant, a green light flew into the fake Xu Yi's forehead, hid in it, and disappeared.

"Let's go to the west. Since the monsters in the west are the strongest, let's show you how powerful I am." In the end Xu Yi decided to evacuate to the west.

Xu Yi didn't say this sentence through sound transmission, but said it out of his mouth. Yun Xuanling and others heard it.

Then Xu Yi took the lead to fly to the west, and at the same time, a sound transmission from Xu Yi sounded in Wukong's mind, "I didn't remove the tracking mark earlier, it doesn't mean I can't remove it, but this young master wants to draw out the demi-monster behind him." Beast, destroy him together."

At the same time, the fake Xu Yi flew towards the east.

The last thing Xu Yi said to everyone was to let others know that he didn't give up his initial evacuation direction because of Wukong, but changed his route in order to kill stronger monsters.

Shaking his head, Wukong smiled helplessly in his heart and said: "It seems that I still underestimated him, and actually broke the tracking mark. I didn't expect that because of his face problem, I finally chose to evacuate to the west. If I knew it, I wouldn't stop him and explain to him. The situation has changed, his initial route was the most correct! I hope I underestimated him."

Stopping Xu Yi from explaining the situation to him was actually knowing that Xu Yi was hit by the tracking mark, and they couldn't hide, so they explained it clearly to him first and thought of a countermeasure, but the result was counterproductive.

No more thinking about it, Wukong immediately followed Xu Yi and flew to the west. Of course, Yun Xuanling and the others followed Wukong closely. As for Hong Long, although they didn't know the specific situation, they also guessed that they would soon face a very serious situation. A powerful half monster.

Although Wukong knew that he was going to face a powerful monster that was difficult to deal with, he also knew that this was not the worst situation. At least the tracking mark on Xu Yi's body was removed, and he planted it on the fake Xu Yi's body to lead the other two directions. The half monster flew to the east, making them farther away.

In this way, even when he meets the strongest half monster and he sends a message to the other four monsters, they will not be able to come in a while, just to buy some time.

(End of this chapter)

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