Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 756 Competition Time

Chapter 756 Competition Time ([-])

Xu Yizai kept flying at a certain speed in the front. He didn't use his fastest speed. After all, Wukong and others couldn't have an accident, otherwise he would be eliminated.

He must keep Wukong and the others within the range of his holy thoughts to fly forward.

Time passed little by little, and more than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, under Xu Yi's perception, he found a powerful half monster flying towards his side at a high speed.

When Wukong first discovered this monster, the distance between the two was more than 90 billion kilometers. When Wukong and others flew in the direction of this monster, he had already flown at full speed for a certain distance, although Xu Yi and others The speed is not fast, very slow compared to that half monster, but it has shortened hundreds of millions of kilometers in more than two hours.

In this way, the half monster flew about 80 billion kilometers in more than two hours, and it took more than two hours for the half strong to fly at full speed for about 80 billion kilometers. In the blink of an eye, let alone the lower universe and space planes, one can imagine how strong the space constraints of the Hongmeng Sanctuary are.

In fact, Xu Yida could take everyone on a quick journey, but he didn't do that, and he didn't want to do that. He didn't want others to think that he was afraid of those five half monsters. On the contrary, he wanted to get rid of them all. to prove his strength.

Five half monsters, first deal with the strongest one alone, he is confident that he can not only kill the opponent, but also protect Wukong and others.

Soon, the half monster also found Xu Yi.

Stabilizing his figure, Xu Yi then gave instructions to Wukong and the others, "A strong enemy has appeared, you stay where you are and hide, don't get close, and see how I can destroy him."

It didn't take long for the half monster to meet Xu Yi.

Seeing Xu Yi, the half monster just slowed down its flying speed, then cast a glance at Xu Yi, and then prepared to move on, without any intention of stopping, because he still had to rush to take revenge. He found no tracking marks on his body.

Seeing that the half-monster was ignoring him, Xu Yi became angry immediately, so he said coldly to the half-monster, "I actually met another Sanfan Yanxi at the half-lord level. The one is stronger, but it seems to be less courageous than the previous one, and he ran away when he saw me."

This powerful half-monster beast is just a huge rhinoceros demon, exuding three kinds of extremely hot flames, blue, blue and red.

"Huh?" After hearing Xu Yi's words, Sanfan Yanxi stopped his figure immediately, and then turned to Xu Yi. His huge pupils stared at Xu Yi suspiciously, as if he wanted to see Xu Yi through.

Immediately, the demonic aura soared to the sky, and endless flames descended from the void, and a great pressure pressed on Xu Yi, and at the same time, an indifferent voice sounded: "Boy, you are looking for death."

Feeling that the tracking mark is still moving quickly to the east, then the kid in front of him should not be the murderer of his brother, but as far as I know, the area within a radius of [-] billion kilometers except his two brothers , there should be no other three Brahma Flame Rhinoceros.

It's not too far from the area where his brother is, so even if the other party wasn't the murderer who killed his brother, he was probably there at the time. Since he dared to speak to him like this at this time, then he didn't mind wasting some time to make him disappear .

In Sanfan Yanxi's heart, Xu Yi's death sentence had already been sentenced.

(End of this chapter)

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