Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 757 Competition Time

Chapter 757 Competition Time ([-])

"Hmph, although the cultivation level of the late stage of the three-star deity is comparable to this young master's, but you are only a second-level grandmist spirit beast. As this young master is the peerless arrogance of Qingfeng Town, it is a breeze to kill you." Xu Yi Taking a step forward, suddenly a gust of wind blew up, and an aura that was not weaker than Sanfan Yanxi burst out.

According to the bloodline, the monster beasts in the Hongmeng Sanctuary are divided into three categories: Hongmeng Spirit Beast, Hongmeng Xuan Beast, and Hongmeng Sacred Beast. The smaller ones are divided into one to nine levels, and the second level is Hongmeng Spirit Beast. Basically, it is at the bottom, similar to ordinary ascetics, it is difficult to win more than one at the same level.

But Xu Yi is different. He is a proud figure in the inner courtyard of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. Ordinary ascetics of the same level don't need much effort, let alone one, it is simply a piece of cake.

"As for your three pseudo-origin fires, you dare to act presumptuously in front of me, so that you can see what the real flame supreme is." With a cold drink, the sky suddenly changed, and a huge red dragon tore through the space. Roar out.

"It turns out that they are all three-star half-honored late-stage cultivation bases. My realm is lower than theirs, and I don't know how to divide the realm of half-honored ones. However, Xu Yi is indeed much stronger than I imagined. Mastering the source of fire, the red phosphorus flame, is only a preliminary grasp, but it can also improve his combat power a lot. This is just a small town's pride, if those who are more powerful don't know how strong they are, I really look forward to it!" Wukong in the distance was also very surprised.

Originally thought that even if Xu Yi could defeat Sanfan Yanxi, it would not be easy, but now it seems that is not the case. At the same time, Wukong is looking forward to the next college competition, and his eyes reveal a strong fighting spirit.

As soon as the red fire dragon appeared on Xu Yi's side, Sanfan Yanxi knew that he had encountered something difficult, and he felt timid. If he had known that he would not stop paying attention to this person, he would continue to hunt down the murderer who killed his brother. .

Fortunately, his younger brother's revenge has not been avenged, and he may also perish here. He is very unwilling in his heart!

Little did he know that it was Xu Yi in front of him who killed his younger brother.

The violent breath erupted from the three-brahma flame rhinoceros, and the three pseudo-original flames turned into a three-color volcano and suppressed towards the red fire dragon. Now that you have offended, let's fight to the end.

"Hmph, do you want to go all out? You are not qualified yet." Xu Yi cast the red phosphorus flame when he came up, just to crush the opponent directly with a domineering blow.

He knew that Wukong and the others had approached their battle ground for a certain distance, and he probably wanted to see how he fought Sanfan Yanxi. In this case, he originally wanted to prove to Wukong and others how powerful he was , and now they were close to being an audience just as he wanted.

Wukong got closer because he didn't want Xu Yi to doubt the coverage of his spiritual consciousness.

The three-color volcano came to suppress it with unparalleled power. How could the red fire dragon let the flames that were weaker than itself suppress itself?

"Bang!" The red fire dragon slammed into the three-color volcano with an unstoppable force, and there was only a loud noise, and the three-color flame burst. Not only that, the red fire dragon rushed towards the huge Sanbrahma rhinoceros with unabated momentum.

"Do not······"

In the blink of an eye, the red fire dragon rolled up the three Brahma flame rhinoceros, and the three Brahma flame rhino roared to the sky, roaring unwillingly, and tried hard to resist the burning of the red fire dragon on its body.

But everything was in vain. In a blink of an eye, the huge three-brahma flame rhinoceros was completely burned by the red phosphorus flame. Even the primordial spirit and soul did not escape, only the true spirit reincarnated.

(End of this chapter)

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