Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 758 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 758 The Eve of the Contest ([-])

Sanfan Yanxi didn't send a distress signal to his other companions until his death. First, he didn't have time, and second, he didn't intend to send the signal. He is not the opponent of the other party, and his four companions are not opponents. , and they were too late.

Sanfan Yanxi will not leave a tracking mark on the opponent's body after death, because Sanfan Yanxi is the strongest of his group of monsters. He has been killed, so why leave a tracking mark?Those few companions of his can't avenge them either. Instead of letting them die, it's better not to leave tracking marks.

"Sure enough, it seems that I have underestimated Xu Yi. This should not be all his skills." Wukong from a distance saw that Xu Yi had killed the Sanfan Yanxi with one blow, and couldn't help being startled. The fighting spirit has become stronger, and I am looking forward to the college competition even more.

There are many young Tianjiao who are not weaker than Xu Yi.

"Come here, all of you!" After Sanfan Yanxi died, everything returned to calm, Xu Yi reached forward with his right hand, and sucked a fragment of the map that Sanfan Yanxi had dropped after his death.

Xu Yi's hand visibly trembled when he got this piece of map fragments. He finally collected ten map fragments. Maybe he and others were the first to collect all the map fragments.

The map fragments are made of special materials, and are planted into the body of the half monster in Lanling Canyon by the Supreme Taoist of Qingfeng Taoist Temple with great supernatural powers, so they will not be destroyed so easily.

Xu Yi's red phosphorous flame is only initially mastered, it is not particularly strong, and it is not enough to destroy the map fragments.

Hearing Xu Yi's shout, Wukong and the others soon came to Xu Yi's side.

At this time, Xu Yi sacrificed all the ten map fragments, and the ten map fragments were suspended in the air. Suddenly, the ten map fragments exuded dazzling golden brilliance, and at the same time, the ten map fragments moved closer to the middle, as if they were about to merge into one.

Wukong looked up at the fragments of the map that were about to merge into one in the void, his eyes were shining brightly, and his heart was extremely excited, and he was finally about to meet the Tianjiao of various towns.

Finally, the fragments of the map were merged into a large map about three meters long and one meter wide. This map is a map of the entire Lanling Canyon, and it is a positioning map. The positions of Wukong and the others are also marked on it. with.

As for the location of the teleportation circle, it is in the northwest direction of their current location. If Xu Yi and everyone fly at full speed, it will take more than a day to arrive.

"Let's go." Xu Yi excitedly put away the map, then waved his hand, took Wukong and others with him, and flew at full speed to the location of the teleportation circle.

Wukong and the others suddenly felt a powerful force acting on them. They knew that Xu Yi was going to lead them at full speed, so they didn't resist, and let Xu Yi take them to fly to the northwest at full speed.

Not long after, at a place to the east, Xu Yi's fake body was overtaken and killed by the four half monsters.

"Damn it, I was fooled, it's actually a stand-in." One of the half monsters said angrily.

"Strange, why can't I get in touch with big brother?" Another half-monster asked suspiciously.

"Go, go back and look for it." Then the four half monsters flew westward at full speed.

Soon, they came to the place where the three Brahma flames died, and the place was still filled with powerful flames and monster aura.

"Brother! Who killed you?" The four half monsters sensed the aura around them, and they obviously had the aura of their elder brother. They couldn't contact their elder brother before, so they suspected that their elder brother was dead, but they didn't I would like to admit it, but now I can't do it if I don't, so the four half monsters turned to the sky and roared angrily.

Xu Yi and the others had already left very far away. Of course they didn't know the place where the four half-monster beasts found Xu Yi and killed Sanfan Yanxi, and of course they didn't care.

Wukong now has a certain understanding of Xu Yi's ability, knowing that even if the four half-monsters catch up, they will die.

(End of this chapter)

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