Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 759 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 759 The Eve of the Contest ([-])
A day later, Wukong and his party finally arrived at the place marked by the teleportation circle on the map.

But Wukong and the others didn't see anything here, it was just a wide flat land, no different from other places.

"There seems to be a faint fluctuation of space energy here, which is very slight and difficult to detect. It seems that the teleportation circle should be concealed." Wukong thought to himself, although the teleportation circle is well concealed, the general demi-strong Those who can't find it, but Wukong's Daoxuan perception is very strong, but he can detect some abnormalities.

Xu Yi's next actions also proved Wukong's conjecture.

Sure enough, I saw Xu Yi sacrifice the map, and a golden brilliance shot out from the map and landed on the open space in front of him.

Suddenly, a light gate appeared in the open space, and a strong space energy was emitted from the light gate.

"Let's go in." Xu Yi has long learned from the family ancestors that the teleportation circle is in a small space magic weapon, so it can change places frequently, and it has hidden functions. It will not be so easy to find its existence.

As for the map, it is the key to open the space magic weapon. As long as you find a place and sacrifice the map, the map will automatically open the door to the space inside the magic weapon.

"As expected." said secretly, and then Wukong also followed the crowd into the door of space.

After everyone entered the gate of space, the gate of space outside also disappeared, and everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Congratulations, you have passed the examination." Before he had time to see the surrounding environment clearly, he heard Xuan Yuan's voice reaching his ears.

At this time, Wukong and his party were already in a white space that could not be seen at a glance.

Following the sound, Wukong saw a huge teleportation circle [-] meters ahead, and Xuan Yuan was sitting beside the teleportation circle in mid-air, and was drinking there with a flagon in his hand.

At the same time, Wukong also discovered that besides Xuanyuan, three groups of people had arrived here before them.

Among the three groups of people, one group has more people, it is the group led by No.1 Ye Zihong, and the other two groups are the two groups that have drawn No. [-] and No. [-], that is to say, before Wu Kong and others The three groups of people who came in were the team led by the top three Tianjiao in the inner courtyard.

"You are the team that arrived No.4, there are still eight days left, you just wait here first." Xuan Yuan's voice came again when Wu Kong and others were looking at the situation around them.

"Yes." After Wukong and others responded, they also came to the teleportation circle and waited for others.

Regarding the arrival of Wukong and others, the other three groups just glanced casually and stopped paying attention.

Especially those three Tianjiao characters didn't even look at Wukong and the others, they just closed their eyes and rested there, exuding a haughty temperament all over their bodies, and they didn't care about them after No.4.

Time passed little by little, and two groups arrived three days later. After they arrived, although their leader was surprised that Xu Yixian and the others had arrived, they didn't say anything.

They didn't say anything, but when Xu Yi saw their surprised expressions, he laughed wildly in his heart, "Haha, although I am ranked behind you in Tiangang, this time I finally surpassed you to get fourth, not only this time , I will definitely surpass you in the college competition."

The next five days gradually passed, and finally all the people arrived. The last group arrived with some pressure. It was the ninth group led by Qiao Liang, who had conflicts with Xu Yi. was eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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