Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 760 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 760 The Eve of the Contest ([-])

Seeing that Qiao Liang's group arrived last and was almost eliminated, Xu Yi certainly didn't forget to mock him. "So-and-so is really embarrassing, let alone the last one, he was almost eliminated."

"Hmph, you should be doing well." Qiao Liang snorted coldly, of course he knew that Xu Yi was talking about him.

At the same time, Qiao Liang didn't think that Xu Yi could get a good ranking, probably No.9, and it shouldn't be long before him.

"Hey." Xu Yi didn't speak anymore, it's useless to say more, there's no need to refute, when Xuan Yuan announces the result of the competition and distributes the prizes, it's the best counterattack.

I learned from the ancestors of the family that the ranking will be announced for each trial, and the top five will be rewarded. I don't know what the reward will be this time.

Seeing Xu Yi's sneer and noticing that other people looked at them with strange eyes, Qiao Liang thumped in his heart, and thought to himself, could it be that he guessed wrong, Xu Yi might not be the No.9.

In this case, he had mocked Xu Yi before, and now he was almost eliminated, and if the other party got much better results than him, at least not only one place higher, then he would be shooting himself in the foot.

"It shouldn't be too high. No. 8 at most. Yes, it should be No. 8. To get No. 8 already counts him as very lucky." Qiao Liang was unwilling to admit that Xu Yi's ranking would Much taller than him, comforting himself hypnotically.

At the same time, he planned to ask others secretly. Before Qiao Liang had time to ask others, Xuan Yuan's voice sounded, "Congratulations everyone, you have passed this assessment. Next, I will announce the ranking and reward the top five. All members of the name."

"No.1 is Ye Zihong's group. The leader of this group, Ye Zihong, rewarded ten low-grade grandmist spirit pills, and the other team members each rewarded one hundred mysterious-grade high-grade grandmist spirit pills."

"No.2 is Shen Qiusheng's group. The leader of this group, Shen Qiusheng, rewarded five low-grade Hongmeng panacea, and the other team members each rewarded fifty high-grade mystical-grade Hongmeng panacea."

"No. 3 is Shangguan Peng's group. The leader of this group, Shangguan Peng, rewarded three low-grade Hongmeng elixirs of the ground grade, and the other team members each rewarded thirty high-grade Hongmeng elixirs of the mysterious grade."

"No. 4 is Xu Yi's group. The leader of this group, Xu Yi, rewarded two low-grade Hongmeng panacea of ​​the ground grade, and the other team members each rewarded twenty high-grade grandmist panacea of ​​the mysterious grade."

"No.5 is Fang Wanyue's group. The leader of this group, Fang Wanyue, rewarded one low-grade Hongmeng panacea of ​​the ground grade, and the other team members each rewarded ten high-grade grandmist panacea of ​​the mysterious grade."

As soon as the words fell, Xuan Yuan waved his big hand, and pills exuding medicinal fragrance and powerful aura flew to all the members of the top five. What they got was just as Xuan Yuan announced.

Wukong casually put away the twenty mysterious high-grade grandmist spirit pills that flew towards him, without the slightest fluctuation in emotion. The inferior Hongmeng panacea.

Moreover, Wukong has now transcended the Dao Dzogchen and has become a semi-strong man, coupled with his physical strength, so the Xuanpin high-grade Hongmeng panacea is of little use to Wukong, and the effect is minimal.

"Hiss!" Wukong didn't care, but the others were not as calm as Wukong.

Even Ye Zihong, who ranks first, is the proud figure of the mayor's mansion of the overlord force in Qingfeng Town. He usually does not lack high-level pills. He no longer has the Hongmeng panacea.

After all, it is the elixir that the Supreme Dao powerhouse needs to practice. Even if he surpasses the Great Dao and becomes a semi-powerful person, he will not be able to refine the elixir of that level. After all, he is not as evil as Wukong. , but it will not be used for him for the time being.

Of course, he is also very excited to get this kind of elixir now. Although many of his team members are geniuses of great powers, and the family does not lack the mysterious and high-grade grandmist elixir, they are still young and weak, and they will not Possessing a high-grade grandmist elixir of the mysterious grade, so even though they got a lesser elixir, they were also very happy.

Not to mention the geniuses and casual cultivators of those small forces, the other four groups were very excited except for Wukong.

As for those who have not been rewarded, they are envious and jealous.

(End of this chapter)

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