Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 762 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 762 The Eve of the Contest ([-])

In an extremely wide square in the inner courtyard of Yunxin Academy in Yunxin Town, contestants from thirteen towns had already gathered at this time.

Competitors from the fourteen towns including Qingfeng Town need to meet in the inner courtyard of Yunxin Academy, because the large-scale teleportation circle built by these fourteen towns is built in the inner courtyard of Yunxin Academy.

Built in Yunxin Academy, people in the other thirteen towns are not worried that the people in Yunxin Town will abuse this teleportation circle for profit, because the teleportation circle they jointly established is a two-way fixed-point teleportation circle, only for The thirteen teleportation arrays specially set up by the other thirteen towns and the teleportation array corresponding to the Illusory Secret Realm have open permissions. It is impossible to use this teleportation array to directly teleport to other places to find opportunities.

And if they want to activate this large-scale teleportation circle, they must inject a certain amount of resources through the fourteen sigils. The resources injected by the fourteen sigils are all equal, and then put into the fourteen circles in the teleportation circle. Only in the eyes can the big formation be activated.

These fourteen sigils are controlled by the fourteen towns respectively, and the formation cannot be activated unless they are gathered together. Moreover, these fourteen sigils are born with this large formation and cannot be imitated.

"This Qingfeng town is the last one to arrive every time. No matter what kind of trials they do, I haven't seen how much their rankings have improved." At this moment, a bitter voice sounded, and this voice came from the leader of one of the towns.

"That's right, we are made to wait every time, and we are only ranked in the middle among us, but we always do things that are superior to others. It's really hateful." One person took the lead in complaining, and of course others echoed.

At this moment, the teleportation circle shone with light, and then figures appeared on the teleportation circle.

At the same time, a cold and aloof voice came out: "If you like to arrive first, there is nothing we can do about it."

It was Xuanyuan and his group from Qingfeng Town who appeared on the teleportation circle at this time. He heard what the second speaker said just after he was teleported here. Although the second person did not say the name of Qingfeng Town, But Xuan Yuan also guessed that they were being discussed.

Because Xuanyuan joined Qingfeng Town not long ago, and it was the first time to lead students to participate in the college competition. Before coming, Xuanyuan had already learned about the previous competitions from another temple master, Shi Ming. Qingfeng Town will hold a trial match before the game, so it is always the last to arrive, so you don't have to think about it, and you know who they are talking about.

"Hmph, who are you, what qualifications do you have to talk to me and other dean-level figures, where is Shi Ming?" The second person who spoke saw that the person who came was not Shi Ming, so he snorted coldly.

The thirteen colleges are all led by big figures at the dean level to participate in the college competition. In the past, Qingfeng Town was also led by the temple master Shi Ming. This time, a strange person came to lead the students. It's really presumptuous to dare to talk back to yourself and others.

Hearing the question from the second speaker, Xuan Yuan spoke out a few words very calmly, "Xuan Yuan, the master of Qingfeng Taoist Temple."

Behind the calm, an extremely powerful coercion erupted, pressing on the deans of the thirteen colleges, but the other students did not feel anything, because this was aimed at the deans of the thirteen colleges, a little more pressure There was no leakage, and it only affected the deans of thirteen colleges.

Immediately, the thirteen principals felt a powerful coercion, which made them terrified and almost knelt down. At this time, there was only one thought in everyone's mind, "It's so strong, it's actually a powerful existence at the beginning of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao , it seems that Qingfeng Daoist Temple is about to rise."

(End of this chapter)

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