Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 763 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 763 The Eve of the Contest ([-])

At this time, the other eleven deans had already resented the two deans who talked about Xuan Yuan and others in their hearts. If it weren't for them, Xuan Yuan would have targeted them as well.

In fact, they originally planned to say a few words, mocking Shi Ming and the participating students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple as before, but the timely appearance of Xuan Yuan and others, coupled with Xuan Yuan's domineering suppression, made the other eleven deans Immediately, he lost the thought of mocking Xuan Yuan and the others, and it seemed that they hadn't intended to mock at all. Everything was the fault of the two deans who had already spoken.

With such thoughts in mind, they resented those two people, and someone quickly argued: "Master Xuan Guan, it was just the two of them who spoke ill of you just now, and this matter has nothing to do with us."

"Yes, yes, this matter has nothing to do with us, it's all about the two of them talking about Xuanguan Lord and you." The other ten people immediately echoed, their expressions were very serious, as if they really had nothing to do with them.

"You guys! Shameless!" The two deans who mocked Xuan Yuan and the others were immediately furious when they heard that others had pushed everything to them, but they couldn't refute anything. Although they had participated in the discussion before, they also They mocked in front of Shi Ming, but this time they really didn't speak ill of Xuan Yuan and others, this time it was only the two of them talking.

Who would have thought that there would be a powerful existence at the beginning of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao in Qingfeng Taoist Temple. With such an existence, Qingfeng Taoist Temple's status can be said to have risen all of a sudden.

Now that the two of them have offended each other, they can only find a way to make up quickly.

So the two looked at each other, and one of them, as a representative, quickly said to Xuan Yuan with a smile on his face: "Master Xuan Guan, we didn't mean to offend you, and I hope you have a lot of adults. Forgive our ignorance. I am willing to pay you some price to compensate you, what is Xuanguan Master's opinion?"

After speaking, the two looked at Xuan Yuan with a humble smile on their faces, and a trace of tension could be caught from their expressions. '

"Hmph, there is no need for compensation, can we leave now?" As for these principals, Xuan Yuan didn't care about their comments at all, but he didn't want to hear their noise, so he directly suppressed them with domineering means.

Now that the effect has been achieved, there is no need to put pressure on them, so the coercion of the deans disappeared.

"Yes, we're leaving now." The deans nodded and bowed as if they were relieved.

As for the two deans, their expressions were a little dazed. Although they said that there was no need for compensation, they had reduced some losses, but because of this, they were even more disturbed, not knowing what Xuan Yuan was thinking.

Not accepting their compensation means not accepting their apology, then it will be difficult for them to build a good relationship with the other party. If the other party holds grudges again, does not say anything on the surface, and does some small tricks secretly, then the result may not be acceptable to them yes.

With a feeling of uneasiness, the two deans also led the students from their respective colleges into the teleportation circle.

Although the students didn't feel the coercion, but seeing the reactions of the principals, they guessed that Xuanyuan should be very powerful, far surpassing the principals, which made them behave like this, so the students were also very surprised. Even the students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple were surprised by Xuanyuan's strength.

After everyone stepped into the teleportation circle, Xuan Yuan and the deans sacrificed the talisman respectively. Before coming, they had already injected a lot of resources into the talisman, which was enough for three times. Put the talisman into the eye of the formation among.

Suddenly, a ten thousand zhang light burst out, submerging everyone in it, and when the light disappeared, all the people and the talisman disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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