Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 764 The Eve of the Contest

Chapter 764 The Eve of the Contest ([-])

37 Hongmeng years ago, the Illusory Secret Realm was discovered by some Supreme Dao powerhouses, and soon they discovered that this secret realm only allowed cultivators below the Supreme Dao level, so they secretly sent their descendants to explore it, although there were no casualties. Less, but more benefits.

Thousands of years later, one of their descendants inadvertently leaked the news of the Illusory Secret Realm, and soon the news spread throughout the jurisdiction of Tianjing County, which also attracted powerful people from all sides to come scramble.

After repeated contests, Tianjing County City finally intervened strongly, and decided that the five major forces in Tianjing County City will jointly manage the Illusory Realm. At least [-]% will be given to the five major forces in Tianjing County.

As for the schools in the 230 six towns under the jurisdiction of Tianjing County, they are also authorized to come here for a college competition every Hongmeng year, and they can enter and explore for free. Reward these academies with free exploration times in the next year.

Even if the Illusory Secret Realm is occupied by Tianjing County, other forces need to spend a lot of aura stones to enter, and they have to send their juniors to enter the adventure, and most of the mined resources have to be handed over, which also attracts countless powerful people to carry The juniors came to explore the secret realm, because even if the remaining [-]% was still a profit for them.

After 37 Hongmeng years of development, the five major forces in Tianjing County and other forces established a small city not far from the secret realm of illusion, called the Realm of Illusion.

According to the town planning of Hongmeng Sanctuary, strictly speaking, the Illusory Realm does not even count as a town, and its scale can only be regarded as a small village or a small tribe.

There are countless villages and tribes in Hongmeng Sanctuary, most of which are formed by casual cultivators.

There are not only quite long distances between the towns closest to the Illusory Realm, but there are also many dangerous places. Even if an ordinary Supreme Daoist wants to come to the Illusory Realm from the town closest to the Illusory Realm, it will take a lot of time and effort. energy.

It is very difficult for those below the Supreme Dao to cross the dangerous land between the two places, unless a large number of half-respected powerhouses come in a team, but it is also dangerous and takes a long time.

Therefore, part of the ascetics below the Supreme Dao who live in the Illusory Realm are brought by the Supreme Dao powerhouse, some of them came here in a team and spent a lot of time, and some of them are the former two types in the past. The people stationed here and those Supreme Dao powerhouses have multiplied and developed after 37 Hongmeng years.

It has been eleven days since Wukong and others came to the Realm of Illusion, and now it is the eve of the competition, and the college competition will be held soon.

When they came to the Realm of Illusion, Wukong and others were arranged in the Qingfeng Station, which was established by the strong people stationed here in Qingfeng Town. It covers a very large area, and each student has an independent attic and a small courtyard. .

On this day, Xuan Yuan gathered everyone in the conference hall of Qingfeng Station.

In the conference hall, Xuanyuan sat at the head, and the participating students sat on both sides. Apart from Wukong and other students who followed Xuanyuan to participate in the competition, there were also Qingfeng Taoist who stayed here before. students.

The students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple who can stay here are all relatively outstanding students of Qingfeng Taoist Temple. They used to be ranked 36 Tiangang and 72 Disha in the inner courtyard.

Of course, they stayed here to enter the Illusory Secret Realm to practice and mine resources. Because of the particularity of the Illusory Realm, only monks below the Supreme Dao Fruit Status are allowed to enter. It is the most suitable place to enter and mine resources.

It is not very dangerous for ascetics who are below the great level to enter, but they will not go far, and they will not be able to mine any resources. Although ascetics from the early stages of the great way to the great perfection of the great way can go far, the probability of falling is also very high. Only Only half-respected powerhouses can go further, and the probability of falling is relatively low.

(End of this chapter)

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