Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 778 Treasure Hunting

Chapter 778 Winning the Treasure ([-])

"The law fruit tree is about to mature, and the distance is so far. When we arrive, those people have already taken the fruit and left. It is impossible for me to waste time to find the people who got the fruit one by one to snatch it, and I will not do that. "Although my Daoxuan covers a large area, even if those people have plundered the fruit of the law before I arrived and scattered away, I can find them one by one.

But I won’t do that. First, it’s a waste of time. Such a treasure is not just like the law fruit. I will not arbitrarily plunder the treasures obtained by people who have not provoked me, this is a matter of principle.

Therefore, I will not take Yun Xuanling and the two to go there. The main body is too late to go, but the avatar can.

Soon Wukong seemed to have come up with a solution, that is, the first transformation of the nine-turn Hongmeng Transformation, 'recognition change'.

"There are powerhouses at the level of two-star and half-venerable, it seems that the transformation needs to be maximized." The cultivation level of the people guarding the law fruit tree is clear at a glance under Wukong's Daoxuan detection.

Previously, Wukong used the transformation to lure Xu Yi to the position of the half-monster. The changed half-monster only had the momentum and speed of one-star half-lord, but it didn't have the strength of one-star half-lord.

But fortunately, Xu Yi took them into consideration at that time, and also found that the aura of the half-monster beast that Wukong transformed into was at the level of one-star and half-lord, so the flying speed was not too fast, otherwise he would catch up and hand it over. It was revealed, of course, it was Wukong who figured out that Xu Yi couldn't fly and chased him too quickly, so he changed into such a monster clone.

The avatar to be transformed this time needs to have a powerful combat power of the two-star half-honored level, that is, a cultivation base close to his own body. In this case, it will consume a part of Daoxuan's power, and then the coverage of his Daoxuan will be reduced. However, it has little effect.

Afterwards, the three of Wukong continued to move forward. At the same time, not far from the law fruit tree, a figure suddenly appeared there.

The appearance of this figure immediately attracted the attention of others, not because of his sudden appearance, but because of his cultivation level, which is actually the middle stage of the two-star half-honored elementary stage. You must know that the strongest people here are also It's only a two-star half-honored elementary and middle stage, so this person will be a strong competitor for them to compete for the fruit of the law.

However, they only paid attention to it for a while before concentrating on the law fruit tree.

This young man who suddenly appeared is Wukong's Daoxuan avatar. The reason why the avatar can appear here so quickly is because of a special function of Wukong's transformation, which can condense the avatar anywhere in the area covered by his Daoxuan. And it can create some spatial fluctuations, as if it was teleported using the space magic weapon.

So these people thought that Wukong was teleported through a magic weapon.

The reason why it was created was transmitted through the magic weapon instead of being moved through its own development space, because the holy thoughts of these half-respected powerhouses present are all unfolding. Although their strongest holy thoughts are only the third stage of the holy thoughts, they are two and a half stars. Zun can't move more than tens of millions of meters in space at once, even a two-star and a half-star genius ascetic who practices space power is the same. The space constraint of Hongmeng Sanctuary is very strong.

They didn't detect Wukong before, but suddenly Wukong appeared not far from them, and they could only create traces of teleportation using magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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