Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 779 Treasure Hunting

Chapter 779 Winning the Treasure ([-])

Although the law fruit tree is also within the coverage of Wukong Daoxuan, Wukong can wait for the fruit to ripen and suddenly appear on the fruit tree to pick the fruit, but Wukong finds a powerful phantom hidden next to the law fruit tree.

The concealment is very good, but fortunately my Daoxuan is strong, and found the opponent, this phantom is actually a second-level golden phantom, and it is not an ordinary second-level golden phantom, it is a second-level phantom comparable to the limit of the two-star half-honored peak stage The golden phantom is only one step short of becoming a powerful existence of the third-level golden phantom.

There is such a powerful phantom demon guardian, which shows that the fruit on this law fruit tree is not simple, and the grade must be high. It has a law fruit that has a powerful effect on two-star demigods. This is why I want to seize the fruit.

If it's only effective for the attainments below the Great Perfection, I wouldn't waste my Daoxuan power to come here.

In fact, I can also transform into a Daoxuan avatar with a three-star half-honored or higher fruit status, so that I can easily seize the fruit, but with my current cultivation base, doing so will have a great impact on myself, and I will not use it lightly unless it is absolutely necessary. own cards.

What's more, this happens to be a good opportunity for him to be proficient in recognizing changes, which can strengthen his fit with Daoxuan's avatar, and maximize the power of Daoxuan's avatar.

Therefore, his Daoxuan avatar walked towards the law fruit tree, and finally stayed a thousand meters away from the law fruit tree, standing parallel to several other two-star half-honored powerhouses.

So far, eight camps have appeared here, and the other seven camps have at least a dozen people. Only Wukong is a camp alone, but the others do not despise Wukong because of this. Among the seven camps, the strongest ones are only two-star half-lords at the beginning level. If they fight for treasures at this level, those who are below two-star half-lords will not be able to intervene and help.

"Fellow Daoist, my name is Liao Yi. I don't know how to call you fellow Daoist?" At this moment, the elegant young man in white who was the leader of the group on Wukong's left asked Wukong with a smile.

"Sun Wukong." After a faint answer, Wukong stopped talking.

"It turned out to be Daoist Sun. It's a pleasure to meet you. There is a sentence I said earlier. I hope you will forgive me." The young man in white did not show displeasure because of Wu Kong's cold answer, but still smiled and said to Wu Kong.

"Say." Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, Wukong was not afraid.

"It's like this. Before you came, fellow daoist, the few of us had already allocated the fruit of the law here. After all, the fruits are limited. I forgot that fellow daoist should not intervene, so as not to hurt the peace." It turned out that before Wukong found the fruit tree, These people have already come here, and discussed the distribution of fruits.

Before Wukong, there was actually a group of people who came here, their strength was no worse than any one present, but they were threatened to leave by these seven groups.

"If I don't leave, are you planning to join forces to deal with me?" Wukong said calmly.

"Liao Yi, he doesn't accept your favor at all. If you want me to tell you, just blow him away." Just as Liao Yi was about to continue speaking, a cold voice came.

"Hehe, He Hongfei, it's better to have one more friend than one more enemy! It's better to settle peacefully." Liao Yi was still grinning, and then persuaded Wukong again: "Fellow Daoist, I advise you It's better to leave, and you've heard what he said, if you insist on not leaving, they will attack, and you will suffer a lot by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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