Chapter 788 Magic Flame ([-])

"What happened?" Everyone was full of doubts.

Immediately afterward, everyone used various means to shatter the flames surrounding them or to escape from the flames, but the result made them desperate. They found that their strength could not destroy a trace of flames, even the strongest Ye Yang and others did it. Can't reach it, and can't move away in space.

The space around them was completely blocked, and what made them even more desperate was the terrifying power that made their hearts palpitate.

Although it is said that the flames only surround them now, who can guarantee that the flames will not burn their bodies in the next moment.

In the end, what they didn't want to happen happened. It didn't take long for a part of the flame to hit them. According to the strength of each person, the flame attack they received was also different.

But without exception, everyone lost their fighting power at this moment, but their lives were not in danger.

The next moment, the flames around everyone disappeared, and then they all looked forward with incredible eyes, completely forgetting that they were seriously injured.

In front of him, Wukong stood there unscathed, as if he hadn't moved at all.

"How is it possible? He was killed by me just now, how could he stand there unscathed?" Seeing Wukong standing there unscathed, the one who was most impacted was Ye Yang.

He obviously felt that the move was solid, and it couldn't be an afterimage. He clearly saw that Wukong was knocked out of his wits by his move, why is he standing there now? What's going on?

Ye Zihong and others who thought that Wukong got the treasure saw Wukong like this, but now they think that the magic weapon on Wukong must be very powerful, which makes them even more eager to get the treasure. With that treasure, they can greatly increase their combat power. Even the speed of practice will become faster.

However, although they looked at Wukong with blazing eyes, they didn't dare to snatch it again.

Let's not say that they are not Wukong's opponents, they can't snatch it at all, even if they are snatched by them, there are many existences who are stronger than them, and it will not be their turn at that time, so we can only think of other ways to plunder Wukong's treasure up.

Wukong didn't care about the way Ye Zihong and others looked at him at this time. Although he knew that they were still thinking about the so-called 'treasure' on him, Wukong didn't care at all.

They are not their opponents now, and they will not be in the future.

"Forgive your life, leave me now." Wukong no longer looked at them, but flew towards the imaginary real fruit tree that was about to ripen.

Now Ye Yang and others finally know why that group of people were scared away by Wukong's words. It seems that that group of people also suffered from Wukong's hands before.

"Let's go." Although Ye Yang couldn't figure out what happened just now, even though he was unwilling, after weighing the pros and cons, he still led everyone away.

The other group knew that it would be useless to stay any longer, so they all left as well.

Although Ye Yang and the others and the other group were seriously injured and temporarily lost their combat effectiveness, they still have the holy medicine for healing. Although they can't recover immediately, they can still recover quickly.

Soon Wukong was the only one left here.

"Huan Yan's trick is not bad. Even if you meet those people, it's enough to deal with it. It's time to go to a deeper place." When the Huanzhen fruit tree matured, Wukong immediately picked it and harvested it. After calculating the remaining time, he immediately Fly to the depths of the illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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