Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 789 The Secret of Illusion

Chapter 789 The Secret of Illusion
Because he was rushing to the depths of the Illusory Realm, Wukong did not deliberately search for the nearby treasures of heaven, materials and earth. Even if he encounters treasures of heaven, materials and earth on the road, he would only take them if they are mature, and those who are immature, even those who are about to mature , Wukong did not stop to wait for picking, but flew to the depths at full speed, after all, time was running out.

The most important thing is that the treasures of heaven and earth that he encountered are not very attractive to him now. The ones he fought for before were also prepared for Yun Xuanling and the others. Not only those, but also prepared a lot before, plus the last time What we are fighting for is almost the same, so we only go to the depths now.

Wukong was on his way at full speed, coupled with the fact that his Daoxuan had a large coverage area, he could spot those phantom monsters in advance, thus avoiding a lot of trouble, and shortening the time to reach the depths to a great extent.

"There." Wukong finally found the traces of those people in a valley deep in the secret realm of illusion.

Under the cover of Wukong's Daoxuan, Wukong found a group of people standing at the door of a ten-story tower in an open space in the middle of the valley. These people were the people from the five major forces in Tianjing County.

When approaching again, Wukong deliberately concealed his breath, and slowed down, intending to find out the situation before acting.

"Brother Ye Ping, congratulations on breaking through to a four-star and a half-star." At this time, a person walked out of the ancient pagoda. People outside saw the person who came out, felt the aura from him, and immediately stepped forward to congratulate him.

"Haha, it's just a fluke." Ye Ping broke through to a four-star half-star, feeling very comfortable.

"Brother Ye Ping is really too modest. Only five of us who came in this time broke through to four-star half-honored. If you are lucky, how embarrassing are those of us who have not broken through." Some of the others envied Ye Ping's breakthrough. hate, while others worship and respect.

"By the way, where are they?" After a few shabby words, Ye Ping asked a clansman beside him. He remembered that when he entered the tower to seek a breakthrough last time, the four who broke through before him The genius is stabilizing the realm outside.

"They have entered the tower again, and they seem to want to break through again." The clansman replied truthfully.

"Huh, if you want to break through again, how can it be so easy to break through? Since this tower was discovered, no one has broken through to a higher level except that one." Ye Kai snorted coldly and found a place Sit cross-legged to consolidate the realm.

"It turns out that the pagoda helps practitioners to improve their understanding of the Tao, and they can go further at the level of the half-lord. There are ten floors in total, corresponding to the ten realms of the half-lord." Wukong, who had been observing in secret for a while, finally understood Why these people are here, and the function of that tower.

This tower is the real treasure of the Illusory Realm. At present, the secret of the Illusory Realm is controlled by the five major forces in Tianjing County, so Wukong cannot directly appear in front of the five major forces and enter the tower openly.

You can only wait for them to leave or find other ways to enter the tower.

But Wukong observed them for a period of time, and learned through their conversations that they would not leave after the town competition ended, and it would not be possible to cultivate well after entering the tower for cultivation.

In this way, Wukong didn't plan to go out after the game. Anyway, he didn't have the idea of ​​competing for the ranking. He came here to improve his strength. The area waits for itself.

Wukong intends to take them over first, and wait for the opportunity to enter the tower to practice together.

(End of this chapter)

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