Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 807 Mysterious Forces

Chapter 807 Mysterious Forces
Elder Gu ran away in panic, but Qiu Peng and others were stunned.

The members of the Zhang family were shocked and stunned at first, but after realizing it, their morale was high and they were extremely excited.

"Illusion." Qiu Peng and the others quickly realized that Elder Gu had fallen into an illusion, and the other party's illusion was very powerful. Elder Gu is still addicted to the illusion and cannot extricate himself.

At the same time, Qiu Peng was recalling which faction in the nearby area had such a powerful magic master of Dao Dzogchen level, but he recalled it over and over again, and there was no one whose clues coincided with the person in front of him.

"Who are you? Are you going to be an enemy of our Chiyangmen?" Qiu Peng threatened Wukong with a cold tone.

"What are you talking about? Go straight to the next game!" Ignoring Qiu Peng's threats, Wukong returned to the Zhang family's camp.

"Hmph, you'll regret it. I'll come for the third game." Originally, he planned to win all three games and crush the Zhang family, but he didn't expect to lose the second game, and the loss was so thorough and ugly.

"Zhang Yi, you go up in the third round, and directly display the strength of a star and a half to crush the opponent, be stronger." Wukong said to Zhang Yi through voice transmission.

"No problem." Zhang Yi was very excited to finally be able to do things for the family with his own strength, but he was expressionless on the surface.

Then Zhang Yi walked out, didn't say much, but stood there directly.

Seeing his opponent appear, although he can't see through him, Qiu Peng doesn't think that the opponent is a half-respected strong man, he only thinks that the opponent is the same as himself, but has a clever secret method to hide the realm of cultivation.

So Qiu Peng flew up directly, ready to fly high into the sky to fight with the opponent. This time, he was going to attack with all his strength as soon as he came up. He also planned to use the secret method that he would only use as a last resort. The ship capsized in the gutter, and he would not allow any mistakes in this round.

"Don't be so troublesome, just fight below!" Zhang Yi didn't fly up, but said lightly.

"Huh? You are not afraid that our battle will affect the people of the Zhang family. Those who are weak will not be able to withstand the aftermath of our battle." Qiu Peng looked at Zhang Yi with some surprises. Could it be that Zhang Yi doesn't care about the Zhang family? The life and death of the Zhang family is because he thinks that the Zhang family's great avenues can take care of so many weak ones without being affected by the power. You must know that the distance between the two camps is very close. When they fight, the two camps will not only bear Yu Bo is so simple, he will even bear the maximum damage caused by the two people fighting. After all, he is very confident in his secret technique, and it will be good for those few people who are great and perfect to concentrate their defenses on themselves and take care of themselves. Not to mention spreading the defensive force out to take care of other people.

"You don't have that chance." Zhang Yi simply replied.

But just such a sentence made Qiu Peng very angry, saying that he didn't have that chance, did he look down on himself? Then, let you and the entire Zhang family disappear!

Originally, even if he used that secret technique, he would still leave a front line for himself. After all, with his current strength, the side effects would be very serious. Now that Zhang Yi angered Qiu Peng, he decided to go all out.

Without saying much, Qiu Peng landed, but his expression was calm with a hint of anger.

Momentum is also climbing steadily.

"Stay away from this place." Seeing Qiu Peng's appearance, Liu Jinming, who was familiar with him, knew what Qiu Peng was going to do next, and immediately asked everyone in the Wang family to retreat far away, while he was also staying away from this place.

Regarding the rapid evacuation of the Wang family, the Zhang family seemed much calmer, because Wukong secretly transmitted voices to Zhang Yutai and others, don't worry, just trust Zhang Yi.

For Zhang Yi's battle, Zhang Yutai and others were very puzzled. Before Zhang Yirong came back, they were very puzzled. They returned to their original appearance after meeting them. Now they have changed their identities again. Moreover, Zhang Yi seems to have some powerful secret method to hide The cultivation base prevented them from seeing Zhang Yi's depth.

At this time, they had an idea in their hearts, that is, Zhang Yi was likely to reach the Great Consummation, and he was much stronger than them. Could it be that he encountered some great opportunity?

How long is this!Zhang Yi grew up too fast!Thinking about them, they are very excited, the opportunity for the Zhang family to rise has come.

The others were calm because Zhang Yutai and the others did not order to retreat, and Wukong's performance just now shocked their hearts. This other mysterious person who is with Wukong must also be very powerful and can crush the opponent.

At this time, only the three ancestors of the Zhang family knew the true identities of Wukong and others.

"You will pay the price for your blind arrogance." Seeing that everyone in the Zhang family had no intention of staying away from this place, Qiu Peng felt that he was completely ignored by the other party, and felt that his strong self-esteem was trampled on by the other party. It was anger, and the aura around him became even more violent and powerful.

"I said that you don't have that chance, so you don't have that chance. Okay, let's end it!" Suddenly, an aura belonging to a one-star and a half-star powerhouse erupted from Zhang Yi's body, facing Qiu Peng directly. .

"Plop!" With a sound, Qiu Peng was directly overwhelmed by Zhang Yi's momentum, and his original brewing momentum disappeared.

"Half-honored? You are a half-honored powerhouse." At this time, Qiu Peng completely lost his previous confidence and angry expression, replaced by a face full of horror.

He never expected that there would be a half-respected strong man behind the Zhang family, and the fear he felt from the other party was much stronger than what he felt from the master of the Chiyang Sect, which meant that the other party was probably stronger than them. The sect master is even stronger.

If I had known that he would not have come, I thought it was a good job, but ended up offending an existence who might be stronger than their sect master, and now I might not even save my life.

"Wukong, how to deal with them?" Zhang Yi said to Wukong via sound transmission.

"Let them go!" Wukong didn't pay attention to a group of small characters.

"Okay." Then Zhang Yi said coldly to Qiu Peng: "Get out, don't let me see you again."

"Ah!?" Qiu Peng was thinking about how to beg for mercy to save his own life, but he didn't react for a while.

"Let you go, didn't you hear? Do you still want me to send you off?" Zhang Yi raised his right hand, a flame burst out from the tip of his index finger, and it was beating, his eyes looked at Qiu Peng coldly , said in a light tone.

"I'll get out, let's get out!" Qiu Peng quickly ran in the opposite direction, scrambling and crawling, as if he had been granted an amnesty.

In a short time, Qiu Peng led everyone from the Wang family away from this place, and disappeared from the sight of Wukong and others.


Soon the news spread here.

The Zhang family was backed by a mysterious force, and a powerful half-respected expert came to scare away the people sent by the Chiyangmen, and saved the Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum.

(End of this chapter)

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