Chapter 808
"Mysterious forces? Send people over to test it out and see who is helping the Zhang family behind the scenes? By the way, send more people to monitor the Zhang family." Although Qingfeng Town is in chaos now, the mayor's mansion also called all the Supreme Dao powerhouses outside. He came back, but he didn't give up on the supervision of the Zhang family, and sent a few half-respected powerhouses to watch secretly.

Before Wukong and others returned to the Zhang family with his holy body, although the half-powerful man who was secretly supervising knew it, he didn't care. After all, they were waiting for Wukong and others, but they didn't know that they couldn't see through Wukong and others Pretending, in fact, they have come back.

The reason why the mayor's mansion still sent people here to wait for Wukong and others to appear, and they didn't think they died in the secret realm of illusion, was because they thought that Wukong and others would not die so easily.

Ye Yang already knew about the conflict between Wukong and the people sent in by the Qingfeng Taoist Temple in the Illusory Secret Realm, and what happened to the five major forces in Tianjing County later made him suspect what Wukong had done. The treasure, and then the Illusory Secret Realm disappeared along with the treasure, making Ye Yang even more suspicious that it was related to Wukong.

After all, according to the information he got, Wukong was the one who could escape from the power of the Dao of Nothingness, so he must have a treasure on his body.

Coupled with the fact that the treasure of the powerful man who appeared in the Qingfeng Taoist Temple before may have been taken by Wukong, Ye Yang even concluded that Wukong is definitely not dead, and he should return to the Zhang family. After all, the Zhang family still has his people.

"I don't know which one made the move? Recently, the surveillance on the Zhang family has been relaxed. Could it be that other people have also obtained information about Monkey King from the Zhang family, so they want to control them?" After the person who came to report to Ye Yang left, Ye Yang I thought to myself.

He quickly denied his conjecture: "It should be impossible. Just in case, I have sent people to erase the information that the Zhang family knew that Monkey King came from Outer Domain. They should not be able to detect anything, and My Ye family only knew the news about the Supreme Dao powerhouses, and the people sent out to monitor didn’t know the details, they only knew that they were waiting for Monkey King’s return, and even the people sent out didn’t know the news that Monkey King went to the Illusory Secret Realm and didn’t come back. , They only have images of Sun Wukong and others, so even if other forces control the people I sent out, they will not know the real purpose of our surveillance of the Zhang family. They will only think that my Ye family is waiting for a person who has disappeared. Stupid thing."

Afterwards, Ye Yang didn't think much about it, he could only wait until he found out who the mysterious force behind the Zhang family was.

In fact, other forces found that the mayor's mansion was puzzled by the long-term surveillance of Zhang's family at first, and then they couldn't find any news, so they didn't care. Now that Qingfeng Town is in chaos, they are all busy fighting for treasures and taking precautions There is no time to pay attention to the situation of a small and unpopular force when other forces sneak attack.

A few days had passed since the Lihuo Ganoderma incident, and there was no one from Chiyangmen during this time.

During this period of time, the members of the Wang family also took a detour and fled immediately when they saw the members of the Zhang family, and they did not dare to find fault with the Zhang family.

Now the members of the Wang family are worried every day that the force behind the Zhang family will take action to destroy them, and they are always in a state of worry and fear.

On this day, a distinguished guest from the Zhang family came.

Knowing the arrival of this distinguished guest, the three ancestors of the Zhang family and the guest of the Zhang family went out to greet him immediately.

It didn't take long for Zhang Junqian to come to find Wukong and Zhang Yi. At this time, Zhang Yi and Wukong pretended to be strong men of a mysterious force, so they were arranged in two adjacent VIP courtyards.

This VIP courtyard is not the one where Wukong used to live.

Zhang Junqian first found Zhang Yi, and then took him to Wukong's residence.

"Haha, Wukong, some distinguished guests have come, and they called for you." Zhang Junqian said happily as soon as he saw Wukong.

It can be seen how high the status of this distinguished guest is in Zhang Junqian's heart, as if it is Wukong's great honor that he wants to meet Wukong.

"Who is it?" Originally thought that people from Chiyangmen might come to trouble him and Zhang Yi, but now that no one from Chiyangmen came, it seems that other people came first, and judging by Zhang Junqian's expression, the other party's origin It doesn't seem small either.

"It's the Golden Armored Guard of the Tiger Roaring Guard in the Mayor's Mansion, and it's also a heaven-level Golden Armored Guard." Zhang Junqian said excitedly.

"Heaven-level Golden Armored Guard?" Wukong had learned from Zhang Yi that the Golden Armored Guard was at least at the Dao level, but he didn't know about the Heavenly-level Golden Armored Guard.

"The Tiger Roaring Guard is the personal guard of the mayor's mansion. It is divided into silver armor guards and gold armor guards. The silver armor guards are the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Dao, and the golden armor guards are the cultivation base of the Dao Fruit Status. Among them, the gold armor guards are divided into heaven-level and earth-level guards. , Xuan level, yellow level four levels, the yellow level Golden Armored Guard is the weakest, it needs the cultivation realm of the first to third level of the avenue, the mysterious level needs the cultivation level of the fourth to sixth level of the avenue, and the prefecture level needs the seventh level to the big avenue With a perfect cultivation level, the Heaven-level Golden Armored Guard is also a semi-respected powerhouse. Above the Tiger Roaring Guard, there are even more powerful Tiger Roaring Generals, and they are all supreme Taoist powers." Zhang Junqian didn't know that Wukong had changed from Zhang Yi before. I learned some information about Tiger Roaring Guard there, and explained it in detail for him again.

"The half-respected man is still from the mayor's mansion, why are they looking for us?" Wukong couldn't understand that in today's world, the mayor's mansion would send someone to a small, uninfluential force, and they would still look for them.

"I don't know either. That celestial-level golden armored lord called you and Yi Er by name as soon as he arrived. Maybe he wanted to win you over and Yi'er." Zhang Junqian shook his head. He didn't know the purpose of the celestial-level golden armored guard either. .

"It's impossible to win over us. With the strength of the mayor's mansion, in today's era, if we want to win over, we are also trying to win over those forces who have the power of the Supreme Dao, but no matter what the purpose of the mayor's mansion is, my grandson will not I’m afraid, it doesn’t matter if I go to meet them.” Wukong didn’t say this.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look." Then Wukong followed Zhang Junqian to the reception hall.

Soon after, Wukong and the others came to the reception hall.

As soon as he entered, Wukong saw a middle-aged man wearing a golden armor sitting on the seat of the owner of the hall, with a haughty expression and a lofty appearance. Behind him stood two silver armored guards.

As for Zhang Yutai and the others, they were sitting in the VIP seats, but Zhang Yutai and the others didn't seem to be dissatisfied at all, instead they were very respectful to the golden armored middle-aged man.

"You two are Chang Yi and Wu Sheng?" After seeing Wukong and the others coming in, the middle-aged man in golden armor just glanced at them, and didn't look at Wukong again.

The tone of the speech is also extremely arrogant, as if interrogating Wukong and the other two.

As a heaven-level golden armor guard of the mayor's mansion, the middle-aged man with golden armor has a high status. Originally, the superiors sent him here to guard and wait for Monkey King and others to appear, which made him very unhappy. Now he is asked to come to the Zhang family to inquire about the two. The details of the two small characters who came out.

This made the extremely arrogant him even more upset, but he had to obey the orders from above, so he came here with anger, and he thought he was superior to others, so he didn't look good towards Wukong and others at all.

(End of this chapter)

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