Chapter 810
"Hahahaha, what a big hat, can you represent the mayor's mansion? We are not your subordinates if you put on such a big air when we meet." Zhang Yi said mockingly.

"Hmph, Zhang Yutai, I want you to give me an explanation." Knowing that the other party is likely to be far stronger than himself, and he can't take the risk easily, Master Chen turned to Zhang Yutai and shouted, so as to give himself a step down.

Before Wukong and the others came, Mr. Chen had already asked Zhang Yutai and others. From them, he only knew that the other party was very mysterious, and he didn't know which force he came from. It can help them solve the crisis, of course, by trading Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum.

The difference from Chiyangmen is that they will leave some of them to the Zhang family. Instead of all falling into the hands of Chiyangmen, they will be suppressed by the Wang family who borrowed the power of Chiyangmen in the future. Their best choice, after all, the family crisis is temporarily lifted, and they can still get a part of Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum.

Mr. Chen did not doubt Zhang Yutai and others' statement, nor did he think that Zhang Yutai and others dared to deceive him.

"Here, Master Chen." Pretending to be scared and embarrassed, Zhang Yutai then looked at Zhang Yi: "Mr. Changfu?"

Part of Zhang Yutai's performance was acting, and of course part was real. He really didn't want Zhang Yi and Wukong to face the mayor's mansion. Even if Wukong's strength had improved by leaps and bounds, they had become semi-powerful.

But the mayor's mansion is the number one force in Qingfeng Town, there are definitely not a few half-respected powerhouses, and there are also many supreme Taoist powers, they are not existences that they can easily provoke.

"Hmph, what is the mayor's mansion? Our Qitian Temple will not be afraid." At this moment, Wukong stood up and said domineeringly, and then Wukong said to Mr. Chen: "Go back and pass a message to your mayor, Tell him to be careful, we Qitian Temple will also intervene this time, and Qingfeng Town will be taken over by our Qitian Temple in the future."

"Let's go, Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum has been obtained, it's time to go to the center of Qingfeng Town to join the brothers." After speaking, Wukong turned and walked out. Zhang Yi also canceled his momentum after hearing this, and soon followed Get on Wukong and go out of the hall.

"My lords, over to the Chiyang Gate." Zhang Yutai shouted when he saw Wukong leaving. Of course, this was also arranged by Wukong's secret voice transmission.

"Don't worry, we will never go back on what we promised at Qitiandian. We will deal with Chiyangmen, and they will never come to provoke you in the future." Without looking back, Wukong just said lightly, and soon the two It disappeared from everyone's sight.

After Wukong and Zhang Yi left the hall, they left the Zhang family directly without stopping at all. Of course, he has sent you a voice transmission to Zhang Yutai saying that they have left, and the mayor's mansion should not embarrass them. They will deal with the Zhang family after they put aside their relationship with the Zhang family. Wukong also thought of it. He planned to go to Chiyangmen to deter them first, so there was a previous dialogue, which made others think that this was also part of their cooperation.

After seeing Wukong and Wukong disappeared, Master Chen woke up from the shock.

At this moment, thinking about his previous rudeness, he was a little bit afraid. Since the other party dared to shout about the mayor's mansion, saying that he would fight for the hegemony of Qingfeng Town, it was likely that he was not weaker than the mayor's mansion.

However, he has never heard of the name Qitiandian, which means that the other party is likely to be a powerful force from other places, and he needs to report it quickly. The temptation this time was not in vain.

So soon Master Chen left the Zhang family with his subordinates. He didn't have the intention to embarrass the Zhang family anymore and blackmail the Zhang family by the way. He needed to report this news immediately without delay.

Not long after, after General Chen reported Wukong's words with embellishment, everyone's attention was focused on the Qitian Temple, completely ignoring the Zhang family. Of course, the mayor's mansion still sent people to monitor the Zhang family, waiting for Wukong and others. appear.

Later, it was also rumored that Wukong and Wukong appeared at Chiyangmen, and after easily defeating the strongest of Chiyangmen, they left after warning.

So the crisis of the Zhang family has been resolved, at least for the time being, there will be no forces stronger than the Zhang family to deal with the Zhang family.

In fact, after going to Chiyangmen, Wukong and the others came back to observe near Zhangjia for a period of time. Wukong left Zhangjia after confirming that his plan was successful, and went to the center of Qingfeng Town. Of course, they did not go through the teleportation array guarded by the mayor's mansion. Instead, he summoned the Illusionary Tower and entered the Illusory Tower to fly to the center of Qingfeng Town.

This is to prevent the mayor's mansion from knowing their whereabouts. Although it will take a little longer, they can continue to comprehend and practice in the Illusionary Tower during this time.

After all, their future enemies will have many Supreme Dao powerhouses.

"Wukong, if you declare war on the mayor's mansion directly, aren't you afraid that they will send the Supreme Dao powerhouse to deal with us?" The time went back to the time when Wukong and the two had just left Zhang's house, on the way to Chiyangmen. Yi asked Wukong suspiciously.

"Don't worry, they don't dare, we are in the dark, they are in the open, they dare not send the Supreme Dao powerhouse to find us at will, after all, they don't know how strong our strength is, especially now that the Primordial Tribulation is coming At that time, they didn't dare to send Supreme Dao powerhouses to deal with unknown existences at will, and now they are only busy fighting for luck." Wukong was very calm and confident.

In fact, it was exactly as Wukong had expected. After hearing Wukong's threatening words, the senior management of the mayor's mansion not only did not send anyone to maintain the majesty of their mayor's mansion, but ordered everyone not to act rashly.

Soon, the unknown mysterious force Qitiandian was known by the major forces, and of course they also knew about their threat to the mayor's mansion. After all, they also wanted to compete with the mayor's mansion for the hegemony of Qingfeng Town Existence, in this era, of course, will pay attention to the dynamics of other forces.

The appearance of the Qitian Temple made the major forces a little jealous. After all, they were in the open and the Qitian Temple was in the dark. They did not know the true strength of the Qitian Temple, so the major forces were more cautious than before.

At the same time, they were also investigating news about Qitian Temple. Of course, the scope of the investigation was not limited to Qingfeng Town, but expanded to the entire area under the management of Tianjing County. The result was still nothing, as if Qitian Temple appeared out of thin air.

The more this is the case, the more they are afraid of Qitian Temple, because it is very likely that Qitian Temple is a very powerful force from other counties or even larger places. Of course, that possibility is relatively small, after all, those who are more powerful Even the powerful forces look down on their little Qingfeng Town!Even the powerful forces in the county city look down on their resource-poor Qingfeng Town.

Even if the possibility is small, it doesn't mean it's impossible. Of course, they feel that the other party is a force similar to their strength, so they come to this small place to compete for hegemony with them. No matter what, they have to take precautions.

(End of this chapter)

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