Chapter 811 Purgatory Cable

A few months passed like this. During this period of time, conflicts between forces in various areas of Qingfeng Town continued, and even some weak forces in some areas perished in the battle for luck, which became history.

During this period of time, Zhang Yi also often contacted the Zhang family, and when he learned that the Zhang family was fine, Zhang Yi felt more relieved.

Fortunately, in today's turbulent era, the forces in various regions stronger than the Zhang family are dealing with other forces in their area, and have no intention of interfering in the area where the Zhang family is located to make troubles. The only Chiyangmen who went to make troubles was also warned by Wukong Even the Wang family, the only Zhang family that can compete with the Zhang family, did not dare to act rashly.

Moreover, a lucky treasure of Lihuo Ganoderma lucidum appeared in their area, but it has not appeared again since then, so the Zhang family lives very safely in the current era.

"Have you heard? The Ice and Fire Palace and the Lei family have discovered another treasure that is about to be born. It is estimated that there will be another big battle in a while." At this time, Wukong has arrived at the central area, but the A hotel on the edge.

Of course, Wukong changed his appearance again this time, and Zhang Yi didn't come out either. He was still comprehending and practicing in the Illusory Realm Tower, and Wukong of the Illusory Realm Tower was also taken into Qitian Universe. This time, Wukong was alone.

"I must have heard about it, and I will follow the plan later." Wukong ordered some spirit fruit spirit wine to eat and drink casually in a hotel at this time. Of course, he also wanted to inquire about the news. On the table, two demigods were chatting.

"Aren't you going to live? Go and compete with them for treasures. With our strength, it's better to go to a small area to compete for treasures." The blue-clothed half-honored powerhouse said in surprise.

"Hmph, there are very few treasures in those small areas where there are no Supreme Dao powerhouses. Even if they do, they are just some spiritual fruits and grasses. They are still of low rank and do not contain much luck. For us It's not very useful at all, and it's dangerous for us to compete for treasures in the area where there are Supreme Dao powerhouses." Another half-clothed powerhouse in purple said calmly.

"However, this type is the central area. There are more Supreme Dao powerhouses, and the danger is greater. The possibility of trying to compete for treasures under their noses is almost zero." The blue-clothed half-grown powerhouse shook his head.

He and the purple-clothed half-respected powerhouse were originally casual cultivators in a small area, and finally came to the central area to develop. After countless life and death trials, they have achieved their current cultivation base. He still remembers their original intention to come here because of this place. The chances are greater than those in small areas, and only those who come to this category have a greater hope of becoming the Supreme Dao powerhouse.

"Don't forget, the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity. When we first came here to work hard, it was because the opportunities here were much greater than those in those small areas. Of course, we knew that the danger was also much greater, but we never Without shrinking back or regretting, are you afraid this time? Rather than mediocrely dominating a small area, it’s better to take a gamble. Maybe we will have a chance to prove the Supreme Dao this time. Don’t fight We will definitely regret it in the future." The purple-clothed half-honored powerhouse said firmly.

"Okay, let's fight in the past, the big deal is death," seemed to be inspired by the words of the purple-clothed half-honored man, and the blue-clothed half-honored man finally decided to fight for the treasure together.

Then the two left. Seeing the two leave, Wukong also followed secretly, because he also planned to fight for the treasure.

Although I have been to the central area before, but I went directly to the Qingfeng Taoist temple at that time, and did not come out to turn around. This time I came to the central area, and Wukong knew more about the central area.

Know that the central area is not only those big forces and powerful Supreme Dao casual practitioners, but also some casual practitioners who have not yet attained the supreme Tao fruit status. They all come to the central area to find opportunities.

After all, the closer Qingfeng Town is to the central area, the richer the resources, the more opportunities, and the greater the danger, of course, but there are still many demi-respect powerhouses and avenue powerhouses who come here to look for opportunities, because they don't want to be confined to one Small areas have bigger dreams.

On the way to the central area, Wukong rarely heard of treasures appearing in those small areas. Even if they did, they were relatively weak treasures. The more times, of course the higher the quality.

Just like where Wukong is now, it is the area managed by the Ice and Fire Palace and the Lei Family. There have been more than [-] treasures, and most of them are of high quality.

A few days later, Wukong finally followed those two people to the place where the treasure was about to be born, which was on a very vast plain.

At this time, many ascetics have gathered here, some of them are people from Ice Fire Palace and Lei Family, and the other part are casual cultivators who came to try their luck.

The place where this treasure was born is the closest to the land of Ice and Fire God Palace and Lei Family, so they are the only two big forces here.

These two forces are both eight-rate forces, and they are the top ranked among the eight-rate forces, with nearly thirty Supreme Dao powerhouses.

"Why is there no Supreme Dao powerhouse? Could it be hiding in the dark?" Wu Kong observed for a while, but found no Supreme Dao powerhouse. Although his Daoxuan is very powerful, Wukong can't guarantee that there is no Supreme Dao powerhouse hiding in the dark. After all, I don't know if those supreme Dao powerhouses have powerful concealment methods that even his Dao Xuan can't detect.

A few more days passed, and Wukong also got a message from the chats of people nearby, that is, when treasures appeared near the areas managed by these two forces in the past, the two forces only sent half strong men Come to fight, I have never heard of a Supreme Dao powerhouse.

That's why many half-respected casual cultivators came to try their luck, but the previous ones were snatched away by those two forces, after all, they were the strongest.

Even so, there are still many casual repairs to take risks.

"The treasure is born." Suddenly someone shouted.

No need for this person to shout, everyone has seen it, after all, they have been paying attention to the place where the treasure was born.

As soon as the treasure appeared, Wukong acted immediately. In an instant, Wukong came to the side of the treasure. Soon the treasure was caught by Wukong, and then Wukong disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

All this happened too fast, and it was almost until the two nearest forces started to act, and Wukong disappeared.

All the people present were dumbfounded. They didn't expect this result at all, so people from the two major forces hurriedly reported the situation to the higher authorities.

"Could it be that the Supreme Dao powerhouse made the move?" At this time, everyone only thought that a certain Supreme Dao powerhouse made the move.

When he came to a deserted valley and made sure no one was chasing him, Wukong checked the treasure he had just won.

"Purgatory Rope, low-grade Hongmeng Lingbao, not bad." What Wukong got was a fiery red rope, which exuded powerful flame energy and luck.

After absorbing the luck, Wukong threw the purgatory rope into the Qitian universe.

"Huh?" At this moment, Wukong suddenly found two powerful beings appearing within the range covered by his Daoxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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