Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 813 Mayfly Shake the Tree

Chapter 813 Mayfly Shake the Tree
"It's meaningless for you to do this. It is impossible for you to defeat them. You will only be killed in seconds. You are completely like a fly shaking a tree." Xiao Huan shook his head, denying Wukong's plan.

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of guy who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth. Although with my current strength, it is difficult to defeat the weakest Supreme Dao powerhouse at the lowest level, and they are not the weakest at the lowest level, but they want to Killing me is not so easy, dangers and opportunities coexist, although the dangers are great, but the rewards are also great if you succeed." Wukong's fighting spirit is very high, and his decision will not be shaken by Xiao Huan's negation.

Wukong was once a Supreme Daoist in his previous life, and Wukong, who has the memory of his previous life, knows how strong the Supreme Daoist is. Even if he has become a ten-star half-lord now, the gap is not so big, but he also has a hole card. So easy to kill.

"I will not allow you to do this, don't forget that I am the weapon spirit of the Illusion Tower, and you have just controlled the Illusion Tower not long ago. Compared with the control of the Illusion Tower, I definitely have more absolute control than you Right." Xiao Huan said very seriously, she didn't want Wukong to take risks, after all, Wukong was her first master.

What's more, she hasn't found anything about Wukong that attracts her, it's just her intuition.

"Hehe, do you really think so? Besides, since you have chosen me, you should trust me." Wukong smiled very calmly.

"Choosing you doesn't mean I have to trust you blindly, and what do you mean? Don't you think I have more control over the Magic Tower than you?" Xiao Huan said angrily.

"What's going on? Why can't I control the Huanzhen Tower? How is it possible? You are stronger than me in control?" Suddenly, Xiao Huan seemed to understand the meaning of Wukong's words just now, and looked at Wukong in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible. Now that I have become the master of the Illusory Realm Tower, how can I lose to Qi Ling in controlling it? How can it be regarded as my magic weapon? Don't underestimate me, I won't die so easily." Wukong said very confidently.

"Okay, just take a good look at my battle! Believe me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you choosing me." Then Wukong didn't say any more, but controlled the Magic Tower to create an absolute space to separate Lei Yunhai and the two of them. Trapped, and separated the two in two spaces.

Both of them were taken aback by the disappearance of the person beside them without warning, and called each other's name at the same time, but they got no answer.

At this point, they knew that they were in an ambush, so they quickly contacted the people in the sect (family) for support, but found that they couldn't get in touch. It seemed that the space here was completely isolated.

"Damn it, I was careless. I was ambushed by the enemy. I seem to be trapped in a space and can't contact the outside world." At this time, Lei Yunhai and the two were complaining, but they calmed down quickly. "Since the opponent is going to deal with us separately, his cultivation level is at most the same as ours. Otherwise, even if he is a small level stronger than us, he can easily deal with the two of us, and it won't be so troublesome."

Just when the two were thinking this way, Wukong appeared in the enclosed space where Pan Xiong was.

Seeing Wukong's sudden appearance, Pan Xiong immediately guarded against Wukong with vigilance.

But he didn't do it immediately, but said to Wukong threateningly: "Who are you? You dare to snatch the treasure that our Ice and Fire God Palace is looking for. I advise you to release this confinement space and return the treasure to me, so that We will not hold you responsible for snatching the treasure, otherwise you will be hunted down by our Ice and Fire Palace."

The reason why Pan Xiong didn't do it directly was that he couldn't see through Wukong, and he didn't know how strong Wukong was, so he threatened the Ice and Fire God Palace.

"The treasures born in heaven and earth, whoever has the ability to get them, can come and snatch them from me." Wukong didn't care about Pan Xiong's threats at all, but directly provoked Pan Xiong.

"You don't dare to make a move, do you? I can't imagine that the dignified supreme Taoist is afraid of me, a half-level ascetic. If this spreads, it will be interesting to think about it." Wukong saw that Pan Xiong had no intention of doing anything, so Said sarcastically.

"Do you think I will believe your ridiculous lie? Can a small half-grown ant trap me here? Dare to challenge me?" In Pan Xiong's view, Wukong deliberately deceived him in order to lure him to attack first. In doing so, he must have set up some kind of trap, waiting for himself to fall into the trap.

"Alas!" Sighing, Wukong didn't intend to continue talking, but acted directly.

At the same time that Wukong shot, Pan Xiong also learned about Wukong's cultivation level, which is the peak of the ten-star half-lord. Wukong didn't intend to hide his strength. After all, the gap is too big. To fight head-on.

"Ten-star half-respect? How is this possible? Did I perceive it wrong? Or did I use some secret method to deliberately hide the ten-star half-respect." Although he perceived Wukong's current cultivation level, it was even more impossible for Pan Xiong to believe that Wukong was a half-respect A fruitful ascetic.

After all, he has never heard of someone who can reach the ten-star half-respect. After all, it is a legend to him, and the supreme Taoist is stronger than the ten-star half-respect. It is possible to pretend to be a ten-star half-respect, although he has never It is difficult to fake the artistic conception of that realm after reaching that realm, but there are still some secret methods that can be achieved.

So Pan Xiong thinks that Wukong is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, deliberately showing weakness.

Therefore, when Wukong attacked, Pan Xiong was just a little dazed for a while, and quickly reacted, then avoided Wukong's attack, and did not fight Wukong head-on.

"This? Is this person a fool?" Xiao Huan in Huanzhen Tower couldn't help scolding Pan Xiong when she saw the situation outside. There is some conspiracy, I have been hiding, not daring to make a move.

But that's okay, at least Wukong's life will not be in danger for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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