Chapter 814 Regret
"·····" Seeing that Pan Xiong had no intention of fighting back at all, and kept avoiding, Wukong was speechless at once, and it seemed that he had to change to another person to temper himself.

So Wukong didn't make any more shots. Seeing Wukong stop attacking, Pan Xiong was not relieved, but became more cautious and concentrated to prevent Wukong from making a surprise attack.

Seeing Pan Xiong's expression, Wukong shook his head and disappeared in front of Pan Xiong.

"What do you want to do?" Pan Xiong roared into the void, but unfortunately no one answered him.

In the confined space where Lei Yunhai was located, Lei Yunhai had been trying to destroy this space and escape, but to no avail.

At this moment, Wukong suddenly appeared, but this time Wukong didn't talk nonsense when he appeared, but directly attacked Lei Yunhai.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Wukong attacking him, Lei Yunhai immediately prepared to fight back.

A thunder wall instantly appeared in front of Lei Yunhai.

"Pfft!" Wukong's fist hit the thunder wall firmly, but the thunder wall was not damaged at all. Instead, the power gathered on Wukong's fist was melted away by the lightning on the thunder wall.

At the same time, Wukong's fist was also entangled by lightning, making a sizzling sound.

"Huh! Ten-star half-honored? Hidden cultivation?" Seeing that Wukong's exposed cultivation realm is actually the legendary ten-star half-honored, but Lei Yunhai doesn't believe that Wukong is really that realm, but hides his cultivation.

But he didn't know why Wukong did this, and of course he didn't want to know why Wukong did this. Unlike Pan Xiong, he was too cautious and timid.

Since Wukong hides his strength to fight him, then he will seize this opportunity to defeat him with one blow.

So Leiyunhai retreated a hundred miles away, and quickly formed a Dao seal in his hand. In an instant, a large thundercloud gathered in the sky above Wukong, and countless thunderbolts descended from the thundercloud. on Wukong.

Seeing that countless thunderbolts were about to fall on him, Wukong was not afraid at all. Wukong raised his head to look at the thunderbolts, with mysterious dao lines appearing in his eyes. At this moment, a gate of time and space appeared in the sky above Wukong.

Countless thunder and lightning were all sucked in by the gate of time and space, but not long after, the gate of time and space exploded, and the seemingly devastating thunder and lightning came across time and space, and all hit Wukong.

"So easy? Isn't he pretending?" Pan Xiong sensed that Wukong was indeed hit by his lightning, and he said to himself in disbelief, but he quickly dispelled this conjecture, "Impossible, how is it possible Some people have cultivated to ten stars and a half, that is just a legend."

"Sure enough it's not that easy." Lei Yunhai soon discovered that Wukong was fine under his lightning attack.

"Sure enough, the gap is too big. I can't break through his defense, and I can't resist his attack. I can only bear it with my physical body. Fortunately, my physical body is strong enough." These countless powerful lightning bolts are enough to kill ordinary people. The first level of Supreme Dao is in the early stage, but it can't hurt Wukong at all.

This is Wukong's trump card. Now his physical strength has reached the peak level of the second-order Supreme Dao, and with the strength of Lei Yunhai in the middle of the first-order Supreme Dao, he can't hurt Wukong at all.

The reason why he came out to fight the opponent was to feel the other party's Dao. Although he had reached the peak of the Supreme Dao in his previous life, he had never experienced a half-lord at that time, and his path of cultivation was obviously different from this Primordial Sanctuary.

Therefore, Wukong wanted to feel what the Dao mastered by the Supreme Dao powerhouse in the Hongmeng Sanctuary was like, and it was not much different from his previous life.

"Why is his physical body so strong? Since he has such a big hole card, he didn't tell me, which made me worry about him for nothing." At this time, Xiao Huan in the Imaginary Tower also saw the situation outside, and couldn't help but relax. Tone, of course, blame Wukong for not telling her.

The Supreme Dao level is divided into nine major levels, and each major level is divided into four small levels: early stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak. The Supreme Dao level is not as detailed as that of the Half Venerable, but the gap between each small level is even greater. , Even within the same small level, there is a huge gap.

"It still doesn't work!" These thunders and lightnings can't help Wukong to increase the strength of his physical body. After realizing the Dao contained in this thunder and lightning, Wukong found that it was not much different from the path of Supreme Dao he walked in his previous life. It seems that there is not much difference except for the added benefits mentioned before.

The only difference now is that the Dao comprehended by this person is too weak, and it is incomparable with Wukong at this level in his previous life. reward.

Unfortunately, Wukong had no choice but to return to the Tower of Illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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