Chapter 815 Ambition
Of course, it can't be regarded as completely fruitless, at least knowing the Supreme Dao perception from the previous life is still useful to me, and I can take the essence and discard the dross.

"It seems that I have to find a Supreme Dao powerhouse who can threaten my life!" In fact, it is not impossible for Wukong to defeat Lei Yunhai and the two, after all, his physical strength is comparable to the peak of the second-order Supreme Dao The strength of the attacker is not only to reach that level in defense, but also in attack.

Wukong can completely kill in seconds, but it is only the two Lei Yunhai in the middle of the first level of Supreme Dao. When fighting them, Wukong only used the attack of the ten-star half-level level. After all, the other party has no deep hatred with him, so there is no need to be cruel. The most important thing is that they cannot cause harm to themselves, and fighting them cannot achieve the effect of tempering.

Therefore, he can't go further on the road of half-honored. In fact, Wukong has already been able to prove the supreme Taoist status, but Wukong's ambition is relatively large, and he wants to break through the limit of the ten-star half-honored.

Since the predecessors were able to explore the ten-star half-respect, and the gap between the ten-star half-respect and the Supreme Dao is so large, then the ten-star half-respect should not be the limit of the half-respect, so Wukong wants to break this limit.

Of course, it is not so easy, even close to impossible, to break through this limit. Therefore, Wukong wants to go through life and death trials to see if he can break through. Wukong's doing so is a gamble. If he succeeds, his future achievements will be even greater. High, if you fail, you will die.

Therefore, when Wukong saw the Supreme Dao powerhouse, he would think about competing with him. As a result, he looked up to him a little bit, and now he clearly understands what level of Supreme Dao powerhouse he needs to fight against in order to hone himself. Effect.

So Wukong just regretted it a little, and quickly adjusted. After returning to the Illusion Tower, Wukong immediately released the absolute space, and then controlled the Illusion Tower to stay away from this place.

Lei Yunhai and the two suddenly found that the isolated space around them disappeared, and they were very puzzled. The doubts belonged to doubts. They quickly tried to see if they could spread the news, and found that it was indeed possible. Then they told the sect (family) Knowing the situation here, they also hurriedly evacuated from here.

For them, what they experienced just now was too weird. I don’t know why Wukong hid his strength after trapping them, and then disappeared immediately after hitting them, and then the isolated space that trapped them disappeared.

Now they don't know what Wukong will do next, let alone the strength of the other party, so they leave this place quickly, of course, it is also the meaning of their sect (family), let them go back quickly, so as not to be calculated by others.

After all, in today's Primordial Tribulation, it is common for the Supreme Dao powerhouse to fall.

With a clear goal, Wukong stayed away from here and came to the territory of the Ice and Fire Palace. After inquiring, he learned that the owner of the Ice and Fire Palace is a powerful existence at the peak of the second-order Supreme Dao.

Therefore, Wukong intends to directly challenge the Nanming Palace Master of the Ice and Fire Palace.

However, Wukong did not intend to rush into the interior of the Ice and Fire Palace and directly challenge the Lord Nanming. After all, the interior of the Ice and Fire Palace is not so easy to break into. The array was trapped.

After all, the mountain guard formation of the Ice and Fire God Palace can block the full output of the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao.

But fortunately, Wukong found out that a top-grade Hongmeng Lingbao was about to be born in another area, which immediately caused seventeen eight-rate forces nearby to fight for it, including the Ice Fire Palace and the Lei Family, and it is very likely that the Nanming Palace Both the master and the ancestors of the Lei family will go.

After all, they don't even have the top-rank Hongmeng Lingbao, and their strongest is only the middle-rank Hongmeng Lingbao. Obtaining the top-rank Hongmeng Lingbao can greatly increase their strength, so they are all bound to win, and the strongest battle force is dispatched. strangeness.

After getting the news, Wukong immediately went to the area where the top-rank Hongmeng Lingbao was about to be born, because that location was far away from the territory of the Ice and Fire God Palace.

After more than ten days, Wukong finally caught up, but Wukong hid in the Illusory Tower and did not come out, so he was not discovered.

This time is different from the last treasure hunt, as many ascetics came to fight for it.

After all, the top fighters of the seventeen eighth-tier forces came this time, all of them were Supreme Dao powerhouses, and no one below the Supreme Dao level dared to try their luck, because it was not luck, it was purely looking for death.

Even the Supreme Dao powerhouses come from the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao, which is the strongest combat power of the seventeen eighth-rate forces. After all, even if the Supreme Dao is a small level different, the strength is also a thousand miles away. The coming of the Dao powerhouse is not only useless, but may be a burden. It mainly depends on the competition between their strongest combat forces. They don't want to lose the supreme Dao powerhouse of their own forces.

 The level of the Purgatory Cable was wrongly written earlier, it has been changed to a low-grade Hongmeng Lingbao, and the level of the magic weapon obtained outside Qingfeng Town is correct
(End of this chapter)

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