Chapter 816
"Sure enough, it's here. Fortunately, I didn't directly break into the interior of the Ice and Fire Palace." After observing secretly for a while, Wukong already knew that Nanming Palace Master of the Ice and Fire Palace was also here.

At the same time, Wukong was thinking about how to show up, should he wait for them to rob the treasure and go out to fight, or wait for them to rob and disperse the treasure and deal with one person alone?
It is obviously not wise to go out now. Before the treasure is born, these people will not fight for the time being. If I challenge them rashly, I am a new face, and I am likely to be besieged by them collectively.

Although I have many holy body clones, those holy body clones do not have the powerful physical body of the main body, so it is impossible to fight the Supreme Dao powerhouse.

Of course, Wukong also has a powerful hole card, which is the Daoxuan avatar, but the Daoxuan avatar is too strong, and he can completely kill the opponent in a fight with the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao, Nanming Palace Master and others, and he cannot train himself at all.

The purpose of my coming here is mainly to temper life and death and try to break through the limit.

"Since it's a life-and-death test, then let it go. It's better to directly challenge [-] people who are stronger than you than to challenge one." Nanming Palace Master and others are the real second-order peaks of the Supreme Dao.

Although they are only Dharma cultivators, their physical strength has reached the level of their own realm, but they are not like sword cultivators, martial arts cultivators, and power cultivators who have a powerful physical body that exceeds their own realm, and they can also display some abilities far beyond their own realm. A powerful spell in its own right.

So Wukong is very dangerous even if he is facing the last one, let alone facing seventeen, and these seventeen are also strong or weak.

Now that I have decided to pick seventeen, all 17 people have to hate me to ensure that the 17 people work together to deal with me. Now go out, although the 17 people may all besiege me, or they may not all besiege me.

Therefore, Wukong decided to snatch the treasure, so that he would become the target of public criticism, and the 17 of them would definitely unite to deal with him.

Wukong didn't wait too long, and the treasure was born in just two days.

The news of the birth of the treasure this time was much greater than the news of the birth of the Purgatory cable last time. Countless auspicious beasts soared into the sky at the place where the treasure was born, and it was magnificent and spectacular.

Of course, these auspicious beasts are just the visions of heaven and earth produced by the birth of treasures, not real auspicious beasts.

The moment the treasure was born, Wukong's Daoxuan avatar appeared next to the treasure. These treasures born in heaven and earth must be taken away by hand, and it is impossible to use magic to remotely steal them, because there are heaven and earth Daowei above them to prevent remote spells from taking them.

Otherwise, Wukong only needs one thought, and he can use the powerful Daoxuan God to take away the treasure without anyone noticing.

Wukong's Daoxuan avatar returned to the main body immediately after taking the treasure, all this happened too quickly.

Because Palace Master Nanming and the others were guarding against each other, they did not teleport to the location of the treasure at the first moment, and the treasure was taken away by Wukong in just such a split second.

It is also because everyone is highly wary of their opponents and paying attention to the treasure, so when Wukong won the treasure, everyone's attack also arrived, but it is a pity that Wukong was one step faster.

"Boom!" Everyone's attack directly punched a huge hole in the place where the treasure was born, and even the space became distorted.

"Who are you?" Soon everyone found Wukong who appeared in another place, and they couldn't see through Wukong. In addition, Wukong suddenly appeared at the place where the treasure was before their eyes and snatched the treasure away in an instant. No sign, obviously not a simple person, no one dared to make a move for a while.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I'm here to snatch the treasure, if you want the treasure, do it!" Facing the seventeen Supreme Dao second-order peaks, Wukong looked very calm and natural.

Because they don't know Wukong's strength, they are more afraid of Wukong, and they are wary of other people, but no one makes a move, and the scene is suddenly cold.

(End of this chapter)

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