Chapter 818
This time Wukong didn't dodge, but used the nine-turn holy power to the maximum.

As a strength cultivator, of course one must break through ten thousand ways with one effort, and one cannot shrink back in the slightest, nor will one hide.

This is the difference between Lixiu and Wuxiu. Although they both major in the physical body, Lixiu also cultivates the way of strength. He pays attention to breaking through all ways with one force, and fights purely with his own physical strength, while Wuxiu also cultivates martial arts. The way, pay attention to fighting skills, use powerful martial arts to enhance combat power.

Wukong actually followed the path of martial arts. The Nine Sticks of Mieshi is the martial arts and martial arts skills of martial arts. Especially recently, he has used a large number of extreme illusion stones to practice. Wukong has already cultivated the Nine Sticks of Mieshi to a higher level. With his strong physical body, he can fully display the power of cultivating the power of nine-turn holy power when using the nine sticks of extermination.

It's just that Wukong only plans to use the power of Lixiu now, and if it doesn't work, he can mix it with Wuxiu's power.

Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu is a method of strength cultivation. Nine-Turn Saint Power is obtained by practicing Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu. Using Nine-Turn Holy Power can effectively improve the strength and defense of the physical body.

Therefore, at this time, Wukong has already used the nine-turn holy power to the maximum extent to all parts of his body.

"Drink!" With a loud shout, facing all kinds of destructive forces coming from all directions, Wukong only used the most primitive fighting style, punch after punch, directly breaking the obstacles in front of him .

Whether it's icebergs, seas of fire, or illusions and tricks, Wukong always breaks them with his fists, ignoring any laws at all.

Moreover, the powers used by these Supreme Dao are all real original power and law power, and they were all broken by Wukong with brute force.

"Everyone, don't keep your hands at this time! He doesn't seem to be stronger than us." Seeing that Wukong faced so many people's terrorist attacks and broke them one by one with only brute force, everyone was shocked.

Of course, they also saw that Wukong's strength seemed to be similar to theirs, because it seemed that it was not so easy for Wukong to break their spells, and their spells also hurt Wukong, but Wukong's resilience was amazing and he recovered quickly .

So everyone quickly prepared a more powerful spell and launched it at Wukong. They also saw that Wukong had no intention of evading, and gave them time to prepare the big move.

This made everyone very annoyed, and they were underestimated, so they unreservedly issued their most powerful spells.

Soon Wukong was once again caught in a more powerful storm of power.

"It's not enough, it's not enough." The crowd had already issued their most powerful spells, and this storm of power could easily strangle any of them, even Wukong's physical body was constantly being destroyed and reborn.

Because he has a powerful Daoxuan protecting his primordial spirit, coupled with his strong recovery ability, as long as his primordial spirit is not destroyed, his body can always be immortal.

However, the physical body has been destroyed all the time, and Wukong is also suffering from strong pain, but Wukong doesn't care about this pain at all.

Even with such an extreme cultivation method, Wukong still feels that he is a little bit short of breaking through the limit. Although he is a little bit close, it is a thousand miles away, and it is not so easy to break through the limit.

"Is it still not enough?" Under the "baptism" of everyone's power, Wukong's physical body became stronger, but the vague feeling gradually disappeared. In the end, he still didn't grasp it and lost the opportunity to break through the limit.

(End of this chapter)

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