Chapter 819 Perseverance

Now that the opportunity was lost, Wukong didn't need to let everyone's spells continue to attack him, so he shouted loudly, a powerful fighting spirit burst out from Wukong, and then Wukong directly used brute force with one punch after another. Counter everyone's spells.

Wukong's physical strength after using the fighting spirit is stronger than before, and his physical body is also stronger after this training, so the power that could easily destroy Wukong's physical body can't break through Wukong's defense now, and in Wukong's counterattack gradually dissipated.

"Is that all you have?" In fact, when Wukong broke everyone's magic attacks, of course everyone would not stare at them, but kept launching powerful magic attacks. Unfortunately, Wukong's breaking speed was getting faster and faster. In the end, they forcibly exhausted everyone's own supreme power.

When Wukong started to fight back, everyone's magic attacks could no longer make Wukong find that kind of illusory and wonderful feeling.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Wukong is just a monster, an unkillable monster. They have tried their best, but now they can't even hurt Wukong.

On the surface, Wukong's physical body was destroyed before, but now Wukong seems to be fine. Even they thought Wukong should consume a lot of energy to repair his physical body, but now Wukong doesn't seem to consume much energy.

Still full of fighting spirit and full of energy, as if he had endless power.

Although they knew they couldn't beat Wukong, they didn't plan to catch them without a fight. They quickly took out the healing pill and took it, and soon they recovered more than half of their supreme power.

But Wukong didn't intend to continue fighting with them, and Wukong also saw that they had tried their best, so under the surprised eyes of everyone, Wukong disappeared from their sight.

So everyone hurriedly prepared their defenses, they thought that Wukong was going to attack them in close quarters.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't see Wukong's shadow, and their holy thoughts couldn't find any trace of Wukong, so they stood in a stalemate for a while before confirming that Wukong had left, and then they left separately. But what happened today left them with an indelible memory.

At this time, Wukong has already entered the Illusion Tower, and controlled the Illusion Tower to stay away from this place.

"Sure enough, the limit is not so easy to break." Seeing that Wukong failed, Xiao Huan said regretfully.

"It's challenging in this way, and I don't think it's so easy to break through the limit. It can't be done once, but it can be done twice, three times, or even a hundred times, a thousand times, or more than ten thousand times. In short, I will not give up." Wukong never gave up. Said indifferently, but full of fighting spirit.

"The spirit of perseverance is right, but does your self-abuse practice really work? Haven't you thought that this is a wrong path?" Xiao Huan is not very optimistic about Wukong's way of cultivation.

"This road is not wrong, and I am not only self-abuse, I am also feeling their supreme way, combined with my previous life's supreme way, in the state of wandering between life and death, I have a little understanding , but in the end I didn’t grasp it, so I think as long as I persevere and challenge a few more times, I will succeed one day.” Wukong’s attitude is very firm.

In the next ten years, a legend spread in the central area of ​​Qingfeng Town.

A strength repairer who should be the peak of the second-order Supreme Dao challenged the power of the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao everywhere, and seemed to be using the battle breakthrough to improve his strength.

The reason why Wukong is considered to be the strongest of the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao is because Wukong only challenges the strongest of the second-order peak of the Supreme Dao, but the opponents who challenge each time are stronger than the opponents last time.

As for thinking that Wukong is using combat breakthroughs to improve his strength, it is because Wukong basically does not attack the opponent in close quarters in the true sense. His physical body, as a result, the opponent's attack could not hurt him in the end, and at this moment he would leave quickly.

At the same time, everyone was also inquiring about Wukong's identity. After many supreme powerhouses who had been challenged by Wukong released Wukong's image, the people in Qingfeng Town Mayor's Mansion recognized Wukong as the Wu Sheng of the mysterious force Qitian Temple, because Wukong used the appearance of his disguised identity at that time.

Therefore, Wukong's identity was also announced by the people in the mayor's mansion, because they found that Qitiandian might really have the strength to compete with them at this time, so they wanted to use the hands of other powerful forces to test and deal with Qitiandian.

(End of this chapter)

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