Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 820 A Brand New Road

Chapter 820 A Brand New Road
The mayor's mansion also intentionally created some rumors that were unfavorable to Qitian Temple. Of course, the mayor's mansion did not think that those big forces could easily believe these rumors, but at least let those big forces know that Qitian Temple is a threat to them .

Wukong didn't know about some rumors spread by the mayor's mansion, because he was currently practicing in seclusion in the Illusionary Tower. Wait for the phantom real stone to practice in-depth comprehension.

At this time, Wukong entered a very mysterious Taoist realm. In this kind of Taoist realm, Wukong sat cross-legged in the mid-air, and nearly a thousand kinds of supreme ways flowed around him. The supreme way felt in the power of the strong and the supreme way of his own previous life.

"Nine-turn Xuangong is really not easy. If so, then I will open up a path of my own." In this wonderful Taoist realm, Wukong's Nine-turn Xuangong has gone a step further, and is about to break through to the third big turn.

Previously, Wukong had trained the extremely difficult nine-turn Xuangong to the ninth small turn of the second largest turn by using the extremely high-level illusion stone in the Illusory Realm Tower, and he couldn't continue to break through after that.

Now there are signs of a breakthrough, but this time the breakthrough is different from the past, because Wukong only realized when he touched the third major turn. .

This brand-new way of practice can continue to follow the way of strength cultivation, but other ways must be abandoned, even if it is a clone practice, it is very overbearing.

Of course, it is also possible to integrate other Taos to practice a brand-new Tao, but this fusion is very difficult. It is not as simple as Wukong's body practicing multiple sources and law powers at the same time (of course, the previous ones are not simple, and you must have a very strong body to bear it. OK, only relative to the way it is today).

This way of practice is to combine two or more different practice methods into one, such as combining the practice methods of strength cultivation and law cultivation into one. The practice of the ontology is similar.

In fact, the gap is very big. After this fusion, the power of direct melee combat contains the powerful destructive power of Lixiu and the diversity of spells at the same time.

After the fusion, Wukong's power is still mainly based on Lixiu's one-handed power to break through all ways, and other powers are supplemented.

In the end, Wukong chose to integrate all the powers. This fusion is very difficult. After success, Wukong can not only break through the limit of the demigod, but also get a new kind of power.

After this fusion, those clones of Wukong will also be integrated with him. In fact, except for the Holy Body of Extermination and the Holy Body of Good Fortune, none of them can be completely regarded as clones of Wukong, because those are the skills he cultivated in his previous life and his present life. A secret method on the Fa Dao Yuan Heart Sutra, which can transform those weapon spirits into their own avatars.

After this success, those weapon spirits will return to their original state and become tool spirits. As for their perception of those origins and laws, they will also be integrated into new power by Wukong, and the Saint of Destruction and Creation will also be integrated with Wukong. As a whole, the Nine Sticks of Mieshi and the Eight Laws of Creation they practiced, as well as the Daoyuan Heart Sutra practiced by Wukong himself, will also be integrated into the Nine Turns Mysterious Art by Wukong, becoming a new Nine Turns Mysterious Art.

After the third turn of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, it is entirely up to oneself to create and comprehend the new practice method, of course, the premise is that Wukong can successfully merge this time.

Of course, this fusion is also very dangerous. If it fails, Wukong will not only lose those avatars and other powers of practice, but also whether he can prove the supreme way is a bit questionable.

Because this time the fusion will even disappear Wukong's two existing seals of nothingness. If it succeeds, Wukong can take the opportunity to comprehend a brand new seal of nothingness. If it fails, the existing ones will disappear. Printing is also difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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