Chapter 832 Strong
In fact, when Wukong and the others were about to arrive at the VIP room, the people from the Yuan family had already discovered it. After all, Wukong and the two of them did not hide their aura. They came directly to Ye's house as soon as they arrived, so the people from the Yuan family said this on purpose. He deliberately said it to Ye Yang.

"Old Ancestor." Seeing Ye Yang's arrival, the Ye family present seemed to see hope and hurriedly greeted them. Of course, they had already discovered that Ye Yang had arrived at Ye's house, and they also told the Yuan family, so it can be seen that the Yuan family Some people do it on purpose.

"I see." After nodding to the members of the Ye family, Ye Yang then said sincerely to the Yuan family: "The three adults are here, and I am sorry to welcome you, but I hope you will forgive me because I happened to be out. When I heard the news of the arrival of the three adults, I rushed back immediately."

"Hmph, since you've come back, hand over the luck treasure you got to us!" The young man said to Ye Yang arrogantly. None of the powerhouses named the Yuan family's Supreme Daoist ranks opened their mouths but watched the young man act wildly.

"That's right, hurry up and hand over the treasure of luck to us, we have other things to do." At this time, another young man from the Yuan family who was half-respected said, with the same attitude of arrogance and superciliousness.

Hearing what the two said, the Ye family members present were immediately very angry. After all, if the other party really did this, it would mean that they lost the favorable conditions to compete for the supremacy of Qingfeng Town, but they dared not say anything. After all, the forces behind the other party Far stronger than them, not something they can offend.

But if they handed over all of them, their struggle with the Shen family would be weakened, unless the Shen family's luck treasures were also taken away by the Yuan family.

If they don't hand it over, their Ye family will probably be exterminated by the Yuan family, and it will be even more impossible to compete for the supremacy of Qingfeng Town.

At this time, Wukong has opened his eyes, so Wukong knows everyone's thoughts.

The Yuan family really became the backstage of the Shen family as Ye Yang had heard, so before the Ye family's backstage was wiped out, the Shen family dared to oppose the Ye family.

Now that the Yuan family has become the new behind-the-scenes controller of Qingfeng Town, of course we must support the Shen family to become the new mayor's mansion of Qingfeng Town, and take away the treasures of the Ye family's luck to enhance their luck. The level of the luck treasures is not high, and they can't be enhanced much overall, but they can be enhanced a little bit.

Ye Yang was very confused at this time, although he was prepared that the Yuan family might find someone to replace their Ye family to manage Qingfeng Town, but the sudden request of the Yuan family made him at a loss for a while, and at the same time he also understood, Whether he handed over or not, the result is probably the same. He will not be the mayor of the town, unless he can find a stronger backer than the Yuan family, and it must be in a short time.

"You can go now." Seeing that Ye Yang could not make up his mind, Wukong immediately stood up and said to the Yuan family very forcefully.

Wukong's words terrified the rest of the Ye family. Of course they had already discovered Wukong. They thought that Wukong was defeated by Ye Yang and surrendered, so they came here with Ye Yang.

At this time, they were afraid that Wukong's words would offend the Yuan family, and even their Ye family would suffer. At this time, they thought that Wukong refused to accept Ye Yang's defeat, pretended to surrender to their Ye family, and deliberately framed their Ye family.

So the Ye family immediately stood up and explained to the Yuan family: "Three adults, he is not our Ye family, but the leader of a new force that emerged recently, Qitian Temple."

Ye Yang was in a bad mood at this time, it seemed that the last thing he wanted to see was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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