Chapter 833 Escape
On the way here, after Ye Yang told Wukong about the Yuan family's situation, Wukong said that he didn't have to worry, he could solve it. At that time, Ye Yang was worried that Wukong would directly conflict with the Yuan family, which would make it difficult for the Ye family.

Now that things have happened, Ye Yang must make a choice as soon as possible. One is to put aside his relationship with Wukong and hand over the magic weapon of luck to show his favor to the Yuan family. But he has to stand on the opposite side of Wukong.

The second is to take a big gamble, choose to believe in Wukong, and fight against the Yuan family together. In this case, it will not only be difficult to become the superficial ruler of Qingfeng Town in the future, but also may be wiped out by the Yuan family. After all, Ye Yang does not know Wukong's true strength. I know whether Wukong can compete with the Yuan family.

But no matter what, it is very difficult for the Ye family to become the overlord of Qingfeng Town.

Ye Yang didn't make a decision right now, so he didn't express anything to what the Ye family said. After all, it was related to the future of his entire Ye family, and he couldn't easily gamble on the fate of the entire Ye family.

As for the members of the Yuan family, they were angry at Wukong's words.

"Who are you? How dare you scold us, don't you want to live anymore?" The young man from the Yuan family scolded Wukong first.

"Remember, Qitiandian Sun Wukong, I, Qitiandian, will take over Qingfeng Town from now on, so you can get out." Ignoring the threat of the young man from the Yuan family, Wukong said even more domineeringly.

At the same time, a powerful Daowei at the peak of the first-order Supreme Dao burst out from Wukong, pressing on the members of the Yuan family, including the Yuan family who was at the beginning of the first-order Supreme Dao.

With a sound of "click", the chair under the Yuan family member of the first rank of Supreme Dao instantly turned into powder, and he also sat down on the ground, very embarrassed.

The other two half-respected Yuan family members were even more unbearable, lying on the ground directly, their bodies trembling constantly.

"You, what do you want to do? We are members of the Yuan family. If you dare to touch us, not only you will die, but the Qitian Temple behind you will also be destroyed." Two half-honored members of the Yuan family The young man was terrified right now, he couldn't speak at all, the one who spoke at this time was the Supreme Daoist from the Yuan family, and he still didn't forget to use the name of the Yuan family to threaten Wukong.

"Is the Yuan family very powerful? Go back and tell your parties involved in the Yuan family that Qingfeng Town has been taken over by Qitian Temple." Wukong said indifferently.

"You will regret it. What you did is breaking the rules of Tianjing County. The management of Qingfeng Town was won by our Yuan family. You can't just leave with a word. At that time, you will not only face us The Yuan family, but the entire Tianjing county." The Yuan family's Supreme Taoist continued to threaten.

"Don't worry, soon I will go to Tianjing County to find your Yuan family to take control of Qingfeng Town. If you don't want to die, just get out of here and stop talking nonsense." Wukong can guess from the Yuan family's words The towns under the control of Tianjing County City should need some kind of competition to gain control, otherwise they will not be recognized. If they are not obtained through that kind of competition, they may be attacked by other forces.

Therefore, after Wukong decided to unify Qingfeng Town, he immediately went to Tianjing County to learn about the competition method, and competed with the Yuan family for the management of Qingfeng Town.

"You wait for me, and your Ye family." At this time, Wukong has withdrawn Daowei, and after losing the pressure, the Yuan family's supreme Dao powerhouse put down a harsh word, grabbed the other two Yuan family members and moved away. .

"Hmph!" Regarding the Yuan family's last words, Wukong snorted coldly, and an invisible sound wave attacked through the space to pursue the Yuan family.

At this time, the Yuan family's supreme Daoist who had already fled thousands of miles away suddenly vomited a big mouthful of blood, and then continued to flee quickly with fear on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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