Chapter 834
"Boy, you dare to do anything to the Yuan family. You don't want to live anymore. Don't implicate my Ye family." Now all the people present are the Supreme Dao powerhouses, and Wukong's sonic attack just now is not hidden, it is very obvious, so everyone present The Ye family also discovered that Wukong had shot the Yuan family.

Ignoring Ye's family's accusations, Wukong looked directly at Ye Yang. Although he didn't speak, Ye Yang also knew that Wukong wanted him to give an answer.

After struggling for a while, Ye Yang seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Wukong: "Brother Sun Dao, don't worry, since I have decided to surrender to you, I will never betray Qi Tiandian. From now on, the Ye family and Qi Tiandian will live and die together. Together against the Yuan family."

"What? Old Ancestor, what's going on?" The people of the Ye family were shocked when they heard Ye Yang's words, and they didn't understand what was going on.

"As you have heard, I have already competed with Brother Sun Dao before, and I lost, and I lost very badly, so from now on, my Ye family will submit to Qitian Temple." Ye Yang told everyone in the Ye family truthfully Said.

"How is it possible? How could the ancestor be defeated?" Although everyone in the Ye family had more or less guessed some clues at this time, but after confirming it from Ye Yang, they were unwilling to believe it.

"Old Ancestor, even if he is really strong enough to defeat you now, we can't fight against the Yuan family with him. You should know how strong the Yuan family is." The gap between family members stood up to stop Ye Yang.

"I did lose, and if any of you are unwilling to follow my decision, I won't force it, you can leave." Ye Yang also knew that his decision was unfair to everyone in the Ye family, so he let them choose .

"This?" Hearing Ye Yang's words, everyone hesitated.

"I will give you one day to think about it. If you are willing to follow me in the future, I will not treat him badly. If you don't want to, I will not embarrass him. He can leave. As long as you don't fight against me in the future, I will not treat you badly." Make trouble for him, but if I stand on the opposite side, I will not be soft." Seeing the hesitant expressions of everyone, Wukong said, it is also a face for Ye Yang, and he is willing to follow him under such circumstances. Ye Yang will not be treated badly.

Afterwards, Wukong lived in a separate courtyard that Ye Yang specially arranged for him, and Ye Yang also sent someone to pick up Zhang Yi and others to arrange a residence.

Afterwards, Ye Yang gathered all the core members of the Ye family to discuss their future.

But on the same day, news came from the Shen family.

So Ye Yang immediately came to Wukong's residence, and discussed with Wukong: "Brother Sun Dao, the Shen family has issued a war letter to us."

"Oh?" Wukong took a look at the Shen family's gauntlet with great interest, "We haven't looked for them yet, but they came to us first."

"The decisive battle they agreed was ten days later, and the Shen family suddenly launched a decisive battle. There must be some conspiracy." Ye Yang said to Wukong thoughtfully.

"No matter what conspiracy they have, they will not succeed." Wukong said very confidently.

"But they have something to do with the Yuan family. The Yuan family just left after being humiliated by us. They will definitely not return to Tianjing County easily. It is estimated that the war letter initiated by the Shen family has something to do with the Yuan family. The time is set at ten. In a few days, the Yuan family will probably send reinforcements, so why don't we get rid of the Shen family now." Ye Yang said worriedly.

"No, just wait." Wukong shook his head and denied.

Seeing that Wukong had made up his mind, Ye Yang didn't say anything anymore, and then he went back to the Ye family's meeting hall to continue discussing their future with everyone in the Ye family.

(End of this chapter)

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