Chapter 839
In fact, there is another reason why Wukong wants to go as soon as possible, that is, he is worried about Zixia's safety. After he dominated Qingfeng Town, Wukong looked for Zixia, but he couldn't find it. After that, he suddenly remembered the mystery of Xuanyuan, and then asked again. Ye Yang, after learning from Ye Yang that the news of Zixia's acquisition of the treasure spread, Xuan Yuan came forward to prevent the Supreme Dao powerhouses of Qingfeng Taoist Temple from competing for it, and only those below the Supreme Dao level were allowed to participate in the competition.

This made Wukong very confused. Wukong guessed that Zixia had left Qingfeng Town, and it should be related to Xuanyuan. Wukong didn't dare to take that risk, so he had to hurry up and find Zixia.

Not long after, Wukong and the others arrived outside the City Lord's Mansion. Of course, Wukong and the others did not go directly to the City Lord's Mansion, but to a very large ancient building next to the City Lord's Mansion. This building is controlled by the City Lord's Mansion and is specially used to solve A venue for some large and small affairs in the city.

If Wukong wanted to establish a force in Tianjing County, he had to come here to apply.

There is a very conspicuous giant plaque on the outside of this large ancient building, which says Tianjing Temple, and two huge unicorn stone statues that look like living creatures stand at the door, and the whole building reveals vicissitudes and majesty.

At this time, there were many people coming and going in and out of Tianjing Hall, it was very lively, and they were all people who came here to do business.

Then Wukong and the others walked into the Tianjing Hall. After entering the main entrance, you can see a very spacious hall on the first floor. There are two floors above the first floor, and the third floor. Those who can enter the second floor or even the third floor are not small. , there are special reception rooms on the second and third floors, and the first floor has many sets of tables and chairs like a restaurant.

It's just that the tables here are rectangular, and the chairs are all grand master's chairs, which are located in the entire hall in rows, and each set of tables and chairs has people arranged by the city lord's mansion to sit there and wait for others to do business.

So Wukong and the others went directly to a table and chair where no one was asking about the work and sat down.

"What are you going to do?" The person sitting in the Tianjing Temple opposite had a very flat tone, without any emotion, and asked Wukong and others like a machine.

"We want to apply for the establishment of a sixth-rate force." Wukong didn't care about the tone and attitude of the staff, but said straight to the point.

"Huh?" Hearing Wukong's words, the office worker who was drinking tea with his head down raised his head to look at Wukong.

Then the clerk asked Wukong again as if he didn't understand what Wukong said before: "What do you want to apply for?"

At this time, Wukong frowned slightly, but he quickly returned to normal. Although the attitude of the staff was extremely bad, there was no need for conflicts. After all, they came to build power.

"We are here to apply for the establishment of a six-rate force." Then Wukong said his intention again.

"Apply for the Sixth-Rate Force? How can you apply for the Sixth-Rate Force?" The clerk questioned Wukong and the others, as if they were interrogators.

"By strength." Wukong didn't get angry, but calmly uttered three words.

"Hehe, depending on your strength, there are often people who are overwhelmed and want to apply for the establishment of a sixth-rate force, but they all make a fool of themselves and leave in despair. I advise you to leave as soon as possible!" The staff deliberately made things difficult for Wukong and the others, I don't want to help Wukong and the others go through the formalities smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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