Chapter 840 Bargaining
"Whether we have the strength, whether we lose face or not is our own business, don't bother you, I just want to know if we can apply to create power here?" Wukong secretly stopped Yun Xuanling, who was about to get angry, and then calmed down. Said.

"Huh? Are you pretending to be stupid with me? Do you have to tell me?" The clerk suddenly lost his temper and his voice became louder, but it didn't attract the attention of others.

Because there is a sound-proof formation at each table, as long as someone sits on it and asks for work, the formation will be activated.

"If you have anything to say, just say it straight, don't beat around the bush." ​​Wukong didn't read his mind at this time, but he could guess that the staff wanted benefits, but he just didn't want to do that. It's not that he can't get benefits, but a matter of principle .

"Office fee." The clerk said blankly.

"I will pay for the service fee. Here is a hundred purple stones." Of course, Wukong also found out the service fee required to apply for the establishment of a sixth-rate force, and also found out that these service personnel would take the opportunity to charge more fees to make money.

This is already the default rule, and no one will cause trouble for paying more fees, which makes those people bolder to make money, and no one will report them anyway.

No one reported it, and they would also bribe their immediate superiors, so their immediate superiors would turn a blind eye and close their eyes. When the rules set by the City Lord's Mansion are empty, the higher-level big shots will not If you pay attention to these trivial matters, you will never know, and you will not manage them.

"Are you kidding me? You just want to apply for the establishment of a power with a hundred purple stones?" the staff said angrily.

"How much do you want?" Wukong said calmly, completely unaffected by the staff's attitude.

"What do you mean how much do I want? This is the service fee, you have to pay it, two hundred purple stones, one piece is not a lot." The service staff emphasized that they were charging service fees, but they were actually making money.

Two hundred Zichen stones are equivalent to 200 million Lingyun stones, which is nothing more than the property owned by a family like the Zhang family before. Chen Shi's wealth, so their oil and water are very high.

Of course, not all things can earn a lot of oil and water. After all, the people who come here do different things. The small ones only cost one or two pieces of Zichen oil water, and the big ones can earn more.

Of course, the bigger ones are not handled here, but on the second and third floors. In fact, those who apply to create a sixth-rate force will basically go to the second floor to handle it, because those who have developed in Tianjing County can upgrade the sixth-rate force Everyone has a certain status and prestige, and they all choose to go through the formalities on the second floor.

Of course, there are still many people who have not reached the prestige and strength and will try to create a sixth-rate force. They usually go through the procedures on the first floor, and the cost of going through the procedures on the first floor is much lower. Of course, these people basically end in failure.

The clerks had never seen or heard of Wukong, so they thought that Wukong was also the kind of person who was not strong enough to try his luck.

"Service fee? Are you sure the service fee is two hundred Zichen stones instead of one hundred Zichen stones?" Wukong asked the staff.

"Hmph, I said it's two hundred Zichen stones, that's two hundred Zichen stones. If you don't want to deal with it, just leave for me and don't delay me to deal with other things." The staff didn't expect Wukong to dare to discuss the price with him, although He is at the half-honored level, but he is from the city lord's mansion, even if some people from the sixth-rate forces come, they will not treat him like this.

Everyone else hoped that they would charge more to get their affairs done, but Wukong actually bargained.

(End of this chapter)

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