Chapter 848 The Ruins
"Thank you, I will handle it myself." Lu Bing didn't want to owe others favors, so he declined.

Bai Yuesu knew Lu Bing's character, understood that Lu Bing was not familiar with the person who spoke just now, and it was impossible to ask the other party to help, and also thought that dealing with Wukong and the others was just a trivial matter for Lu Bing, and she didn't need to worry about it at all, so she said: "Cao Cheng, they are just some little people vying for the qualification to create a sixth-rate force. Sister Bing'er can definitely solve it by herself. Not to mention that they have not yet become a sixth-rate force, even if they have become a sixth-rate force, some people are not them. Can be offended."

"That's right, haha, I was talking too much." Cao Cheng also understood Bai Yuesu's meaning, so he nodded quickly and said.

Then Bai Yuesu changed the subject and explained to Lu Bing the purpose of their leaving the city, "Sister Bing'er, we are going out of the city this time because we heard that there are relics born, so we plan to try our luck, do you want to go with us?"

"Is there a relic? Where is it? When was it discovered?" As soon as Lu Bing heard that there was a relic, Lu Bing's anger disappeared immediately.

"I heard that it was discovered on the ancient battlefield. Not long after I discovered it, people from all sides are rushing there. People from your Lu family have already set off not long ago." Bai Yuesu roughly explained what he knew. The situation has been said again.

"It turned out to be a relic found on the ancient battlefield. Let's go, and I will go too." Lu Bing completely forgot about Wukong and the others at this time. Compared with the anger towards Wukong and the others, Lu Bing valued the allure of the relics more. Especially the relics discovered in the ancient battlefield, their weight is beyond the comparison of ordinary relics.

"You go with us now, what about those people?" Of course Bai Yuesu also wanted to hurry over, but she didn't forget about Lu Bing's mission, so she reminded, after all, they have a very good relationship, and she didn't want Lu Bing to Because of this matter, he was punished by the above.

Hearing Bai Yuesu's reminder, Lu Bing remembered that she hadn't brought Wukong and the others back, and she had to assist them in fighting for luck.

Although her family is very powerful, it is also under the five major forces. This rule was set by the five major forces. Since she has accepted the mission, she cannot violate it.

This was a task she had voluntarily requested to accept, so she couldn't let it go.

"If I had known that the supporting team this time was so bad, I wouldn't have accepted this task." This was Lu Bing's inner complaint since he learned the basic information of the team he needed to support.

Little did he know that Lu Bing's inner thoughts were all read by Wukong not far away, so Wukong also knew why Lu Bing was dissatisfied with them, "Before, I just thought that that person used tricks to make other teams deal with us, but now Knowing that we have maliciously belittled us, but it’s okay, this will make those people underestimate us, and if they underestimate us, they will have to pay a big price.”

Before Lu Bing was inexplicably dissatisfied with the others, Wukong didn't even read her inner thoughts, that's because it is impossible to read minds if someone is hostile to him, it is unnecessary.

The reason why Wukong read Lu Bing's inner thoughts this time was because several people mentioned the ruins which made him interested. Not only Lu Bing's inner thoughts were read by Wukong, but Wukong also knew the inner thoughts of several other people at this time .

"Sister Yuesu, can you wait for me for a while? I'll bring them in and make arrangements, and then I'll join you immediately." After thinking for a while, Lu Bing said to Bai Yuesu.

"Well, no problem, but sister Bing'er, hurry up. After all, we are already leaving late. If it is later, we probably won't have our share in the ruins." I really want to delay for too long, but Lu Bing is my best friend, and my strength is not weaker than my own, so it doesn't matter if I wait a while.

"Let's go too." Just then, an abrupt voice sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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