Chapter 849 Seal
At this time, Wukong and the others walked forward, and it was Wukong who spoke.

"I will take you to report, I will not take you to the ruins." Seeing that the person who spoke was Wukong, Lu Bing said coldly.

"If you don't take us there, we will go by ourselves." Wukong also knew that Lu Bing would not take them there easily.

"You are the ones who offended Ms. Lu. You are really brave. Do you know who Ms. Lu is?" Cao Cheng took a look at Wukong and the others, and questioned Wukong and the others with a haughty expression.

"Take us to report now." Wukong completely ignored Cao Cheng and said directly to Lu Bing.

"You? Sure enough, you are arrogant, but if you don't have the capital to support your arrogance, you will die sooner or later." Seeing that Wukong and the others dared to ignore him, Cao Cheng said coldly.

"Miss Lu, since they want to go to the ruins, you might as well take them there. Anyone who wants to go to the ruins can't just go there, and if there is an accident, you can't blame others." Cao Cheng then said to Lu Bing, there was something in his words, It seems that there is a hidden murderous intention.

"En?" After hearing Cao Cheng's words, Lu Bing immediately glared at Cao Cheng. Although she was dissatisfied with Wukong and others, she would not mean to kill Wukong and others with tricks. She understood the meaning of Cao Cheng's words and brought If Wukong and the others go to the ruins, there will not only be a trap crisis inside the ruins, but the greater danger will come from other ascetics.

Wukong and the others have no background, and if they go there, they will not be able to grab the treasure, and they will even be buried in the ruins. What's more, Cao Cheng seems to have murdered Wukong and the others, not only because of himself, but because Wukong ignored him before. Although the power behind it is not as good as his own family, it is still easy to kill a few ascetics who are vying for the qualification to create a sixth-rate power.

There will definitely be strong members of the Cao family in the ruins.

"I said I wouldn't take them there, so I wouldn't take them there. You guys just stay in the city honestly, and I'll take you to fight for luck when I come back." Lu Bing's tone was very firm, unquestionable, and then Said to Wukong and the others, with the same firm tone.

"Let's go!" Wukong didn't say anything more. The things he decided would not be changed easily. Since the other party didn't want to take them there, they had to find them by themselves.

"Sister Yuesu, wait for me for a while, I'll be here soon." Of course, Lu Bing didn't know Wukong's inner thoughts, and then said to Bai Yuesu.

"Okay, go back quickly." Bai Yuesu nodded and said.

After that, Lu Bing took Wukong and others all the way to the inside of a huge building in the city. After reporting some situations to relevant personnel, he took Wukong and others to their temporary residence. After arranging Wukong and others, Lu Bing left immediately.

"Just leave like that?" Seeing Lu Bing leaving in a hurry, Yun Xuanling muttered.

"Let's go, let's inquire about the location of the ruins." After seeing Lu Bing leave, Wukong immediately set off and walked outside.

The ancient battlefield was the product of the last Primordial Tribulation. Although there were only strong men who were in the secret realm at that time, there were also many strong men with high cultivation levels who fell here.

Those relics were left by the ancient powerhouses.

The relics of the ancient battlefield have basically been excavated, and there have been no relics in six Hongmeng years. This time, a new relic suddenly appeared, which immediately caused all forces to go to the relic.

At this time, a large number of ascetics had gathered in the ruins, all outside the ruins, but no one entered the ruins.

It has been a while since the ruins were discovered. It's not that everyone doesn't want to go in, but there is a powerful seal outside the ruins. Everyone is trying to break the seal, and no one will be able to break the seal for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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