Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 853 Ancient City Ruins

Chapter 853 Ancient City Ruins
"Brother Lu, you are serious, as long as you don't care." Cao's elders said in awe.

"Hehe." The elders of the Lu family smiled lightly, and stopped talking, just a polite sentence in his capacity is enough.

On Wukong's side, after Cao Hai lifted the spell, Lu Bing also came in front of Wukong and the others.

"I don't even know how to say hello to you. I have already advised you not to come, but you still slipped in. Now that you are here, come with us! Anyway, here is both your chance and your disaster, luck Well, you can directly get enough luck to condense the magic weapon of luck here, if you are unlucky, this is the place where you will be buried." Lu Bing was still angry at first, and then his tone gradually eased.

Lu Bing didn't scare Wukong and the others. Although she is not as strong as Wukong and the others, he has the protection of the family, so he doesn't worry about safety when he comes here, but Wukong and the others will follow them after a while. But when encountering the danger of being overwhelmed by self-care, the strong members of the family will only protect the members of their own family, and will definitely not help them, a group of outsiders, and they will probably perish at that time here.

Wukong also noticed that Lu Bing was really worried about their safety, so he stopped ignoring the other party and agreed to the other party's request, "Okay, thank you."

Lu Bing is usually unruly and willful, but his heart is not bad. Since Wukong and the others are assisting this time, he should accept the reality and try his best to help them.

"Eh?" Thinking of Wukong and the others who had been ignoring and contradicting him before, and didn't expect Wukong to thank her, Lu Bing was slightly stunned, and quickly said with a smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect that you are not a piece of wood either. , let’s go, just follow me later.”

After Lu Bing finished speaking, he walked towards the Lu family. Wukong and the others did not hesitate, and followed Lu Bing directly to the crowd.

Seeing that Lu Bing not only did not trouble Wukong and the others, but instead brought Wukong and the others here, as if he wanted to help them gain luck, Cao Cheng suddenly felt that he was a clown, his face suddenly turned down, and he looked gloomy. Xiang Wukong and others, thinking about how to kill Wukong and others later.

Of course Wukong noticed Cao Cheng's hostile gaze and his murderous intentions towards them before, but Wukong didn't care, and the soldiers came to cover them up.

"Bing'er, who are these?" The senior Lu parent saw that Lu Bing brought Wukong and the others over, and asked with a smile.

"Uncle Wu, they are the team I'm going to assist this time. I want them to explore the ruins with us and help them gain luck." Lu Bing explained to the Lu family elder.

"En? Bing'er, you are messing around, let them leave the ruins quickly, they are not allowed to come here, if they die here so soon, it will affect you." Lu Bing's fifth uncle named Lu Zhiyi, the leader of the Lu family's exploration of the ruins this time, is very powerful.

After Lu Bing revealed the identities of Wukong and the others, Lu Zhiyi immediately said to Lu Bing very seriously, and said in front of Wukong and the others that he didn't take Wukong and the others seriously.

"Uncle Wu, since they have already come, we are not necessarily in any danger with you here anyway. If we are lucky, they will directly condense the magic weapon of luck here. At that time, won't my mission be completed immediately? Why not For what? Please let them follow us." Lu Bing knew that Lu Zhiyi was not angry with him, but for her own good, and she also knew that her fifth uncle was always kind to her, so she acted coquettishly to Lu Zhiyi.

"You, oh! I'm really afraid of you, just follow." Lu Zhiyi looked at Lu Bing dotingly, and said helplessly. Of course, he also believed in his own strength and could control the overall situation.

With the passage of time, Wukong and the others finally found the area where there might be treasures. This is an ancient city, to be precise, it is the ruins of an ancient city. At this time, the ruins of the ancient city have gathered many forces.

(End of this chapter)

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