Chapter 854: Ancient Will
As soon as Wukong and his party arrived at the ruins of the ancient city, they saw an alliance of two factions entering the ruins of the ancient city.

Then Wukong and his party also stepped into the ruins of the ancient city. The ruins of the ancient city are very huge, so in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, the various forces dispersed to explore the ruins of the ancient city.

At least for the time being, everyone will not fight over the treasure hunt.

"Everyone, even if you encounter treasures later, don't act rashly. There will naturally be hidden murderous intentions if there are treasures. If some greedy person puts us in danger, don't blame our Lu and Bai families for being rude." Just stepped into the ruins of the ancient city , Lu Zhiyi said to everyone seriously, mainly aimed at other people except Lu and Bai's family.

"Brother Lu, don't worry, we won't mess around." People from other forces except Wukong and the others replied.

"Senior Lu, they don't seem to follow the rules." Cao Cheng, who had been staring at Wukong and the others, saw that Wukong and the others were silent, as if he had finally caught Wukong and the others, he immediately shouted to Lu Zhiyi.

"En?" Hearing Cao Cheng's words, Lu Zhiyi frowned, first glanced at Cao Cheng, and then turned his gaze to Wukong and the others.

At Cao Cheng's provocation, everyone's eyes turned to Wukong and others. After all, except for a few people who didn't care, most people didn't like Wukong and others very much.

"Cao Cheng, what nonsense are you talking about?" At this moment, Lu Bing's face darkened, and he said to Cao Cheng coldly, she did not expect that Cao Cheng would hurt Wukong and the others at this time.

"Cheng'er, don't be unreasonable." Cao's parents didn't expect Cao Cheng to trouble Wukong and the others in front of Lu Bing. He knew Cao Cheng's intention to kill Wukong before, but he also secretly persuaded Cao Cheng Dealing with Wukong and the others in secret should not be done in the open, at least not let Lu Bing know, so as not to offend the other party.

After all, Lu Bing's attitude towards Wukong and the others is there. Cao's elders can't wait to drive Cao Cheng back at this time.

"Senior Lu, Uncle, Miss Lu, I'm not talking nonsense, because I just saw that they didn't speak, and they simply didn't want to follow the rules you proposed, Senior Lu." Cao Cheng said confidently.

"He didn't say anything just now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to follow the rules." Before Lu Zhiyi made a statement, Lu Bing spoke first to explain to Wukong and the others.

"Miss Lu, he doesn't speak at this time, the meaning is very obvious." Cao Cheng seized this opportunity and would not give up. At this moment, he didn't even think about offending Lu Bing because of it. He just wanted to get revenge on Wukong and the others.

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse." Lu Bing said angrily.

"Okay, Bing'er, I have my own measure." Lu Zhiyi waved his hand and said, then he turned to Wukong and the others and said, "Now I'll ask you, and you answer me yourself, will you abide by the rules?"

"Sorry, we won't abide by your rules. If you don't welcome us, we can go separately." Wukong looked directly at Lu Zhiyi with a very calm and calm expression.

I didn't expect Wukong to be so direct, and everyone was a little stunned.

"How? I just said that they won't abide by the rules and want to leave. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? We have already protected you for a while. If you don't leave something behind, you can't leave easily." Cao Cheng reacted Then he said to Wukong and the others very arrogantly.

"Protect us? Since when have you protected us?" Yun Xuanling couldn't understand Cao Cheng, so he couldn't help but rant.

"Why is this kind of person talking nonsense with him? Just kill him." At this moment, a powerful will descended, and at the same time, a sword flashed across. Jian Guang killed it.

All this happened so briefly and suddenly that no one could react.

"The will of the ancients?" Looking along the source of the voice, he saw an ethereal figure appearing not far away, and it was he who emitted the destructive sword light.

(End of this chapter)

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