Chapter 855 Sword Madness
I don't know who yelled, and suddenly everyone except Wukong was ready to fight.

After entering the ruins of the ancient city, Wukong discovered the existence of the ancient will, which is just a ray of willpower. Wukong has a powerful Daoxuan, and he is not afraid of the opponent at all. The power of will is a manifestation of spiritual power. The spiritual power in front of the master is obviously at the level of holy thoughts.

"Is it the will of the ancients? Hehe, have I already become an ancient person?" As if mocking himself, the illusory voice whispered.

Tianjing County City refers to the long history of Tianjing County City before the last Hongmeng Calamity as ancient times, so the so-called ancient times here are only the ancient times of Tianjing County City, not the ancient times of the entire Hongmeng Sanctuary.

"Rebel, since you dare to attack my Cao family, today, I will make your last bit of will disappear." Seeing that Cao Cheng was killed by the sudden appearance of ancient will, even the primordial spirit and soul did not let go. However, only the reincarnation of the true spirit was left, and the elders of Cao's parents immediately roared angrily.

After finishing speaking, I saw the elders of the Cao family quickly condensed the magic seal with their hands, and the flame dragons shot out from around the ancient will, which was exactly the same as the spell used by Cao Hai before, except that the power of the elders of the Cao family was more powerful. The number is even greater.

This spell is the unique spell of the Cao family, Yanlongpo. The more Yanlongs that can be summoned, the greater its power, and this spell must master the third stage of the origin of fire to practice, and its power is very powerful.

Before Cao Hai only used more than a hundred flame dragons, but this elder Cao directly summoned more than 2 flame dragons, and the elder Cao mastered the third stage of the origin of fire more proficiently, which shows the difference between the two. How big is the difference.

"Small tricks, how dare you act presumptuously in front of me." There is no fear of threats from the Cao family elders, and the ancient will is even more arrogant. I saw his right hand lightly lifted, and suddenly thousands of giant swords fell from the sky, and the Cao family elders summoned them in an instant More than 2 flame dragons were strangled by thousands of giant swords.

However, the Thousand Thousands Sword did not just disappear, but stayed in the sky above the crowd. As long as the will of the ancients moves, the Thousands Thousands Sword will descend on everyone.

Sensing the powerful sword intent coming from the thousands of giant swords above their heads, the elders of the Cao family were dumbfounded. Not only him, but also Lu Zhiyi and the leader of the Bai family looked at the scene in shock.

Even they were terrified of the powerful sword intent transmitted by the thousands of giant swords, instinctively thinking that they could not resist that powerful sword intent.

Now Wukong and the others are still calm.

"Who dares to move, die." Just as everyone was shocked on the spot, the domineering and lazy voice of the ancient will came over.

As soon as the voice of the ancient will was finished, everyone dared not move around, Wukong watched the show with great interest, he was not afraid of the other party, and at the same time secretly told Yun Xuanling and the others not to move around, just watch.

The ancient will doesn't seem to intend to kill any more people, otherwise his thousands of giant swords would have landed long ago.

At this time, Lu Zhiyi and the leader of the Bai family had probably guessed the identity of the ancient will, and now they have already scolded the elders of the Cao family to death in their hearts. If they are implicated, if the other party is not happy, just kill them as well and it will be over.

"Senior, may I ask if you are Senior Sword Crazy?" Lu Zhiyi and the leader of the Bai family looked at each other, and then Lu Zhiyi cautiously asked the ancient will.

(End of this chapter)

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