Chapter 856 Scam
"Hehe, I didn't expect anyone to remember me now. I ask you, who is in charge of Tianjing County now?" Although the ancient will smiled, it could be heard that he was not smiling at all.

After confirming that the ancient will is the ancient strong sword madman, Lu Zhiyi and the two were even more shocked. They didn't expect that the long-lost sword madman had already fallen here. If people from the outside world found out, they might come More powerhouses came to look for the relics of Sword Madness.

The others were also extremely shocked. No wonder this ancient will is so powerful. Just a will that has lost most of its power for countless years can suppress Lu Zhiyi and the elders of the Bai family who have the fifth level of Supreme Dao. Apart from him, among the ancient masters of swordsmanship, there really was no one who could achieve this level.

At this time, apart from fear, everyone was also excited. They could see the will of the sword madman here. It is very likely that the inheritance of the sword madman's relics is also here.

"Reporting to senior, the one who is in charge of Tianjing County now is the Venerable Five Elements back then." Lu Zhiyi did not dare to lie, and replied truthfully.

"Hehe, so it's them old guys! That's right, who else could it be if it wasn't them?" Jian Kuang still smiled and said, it seemed that there was something in his words, but he didn't say much.

Then Jian Kuang continued to ask: "Other than a few of my old opponents, who else is left?"

"This?" Lu Zhiyi didn't answer directly and truthfully this time, but was a little hesitant. He knew what kind of existence the old opponent Jian Kuang asked about. He was the strongest existence in Tianjing County in ancient times, and he was the same as Jian Kuang. layered.

"Say." With a stern voice, Lu Zhiyi and the others only felt the sword intent from above their heads become stronger.

"Senior, what I know is only rumors, and I don't know the specific situation very well." Lu Zhiyi replied tremblingly.

"Say." Jian Kuang didn't talk nonsense, it was still a single word, the meaning was obvious, whether it was rumors or details, it had to be said.

"Yes, yes, senior, it is rumored that the second Buddha entered a mysterious and dangerous place and has not returned. The three demons were sealed in the final battle with the five elements, and the whereabouts of the other demon is still unknown. Saint and Sword Maniac Senior are the same as you, the rumors all disappeared suddenly, and now I don’t think that you, Senior, have fallen here.” Afterwards, Lu Zhiyi didn’t dare to hide any more, in fact, there was nothing to hide, but what he knew was only rumors, so before Don't dare to talk nonsense in front of Sword Maniac.

"Where are the six ghost emperors?" Hearing that some of the old opponents disappeared, and those who were sealed were sealed, Jian Kuang Dang Kuangsheng didn't have the slightest emotion on the surface, and then Dang Kuangsheng continued to ask.

"Six Ghost Emperors? Senior, forgive me for being ignorant. I haven't heard of any Six Ghost Emperors who are as famous as you in ancient times?" Lu Zhiyi was also at a loss. Obviously he was not lying, but he really didn't know that there were Six Ghost Emperors in ancient times. The existence of the ghost emperor.

"Haven't you heard of the Six Ghost Emperors? Haven't you heard of it?" Jian Kuang seemed to have a change of mood at this moment.

"Senior, we have never heard of the Six Ghost Emperors. We have only heard of the deeds of the first madman, the second elder, the third devil, the fourth sage, and the five elements. We have never heard of the Six Ghost Emperors." The others answered truthfully. .

"Later generations don't know the deeds of the Six Ghost Emperors. What's going on? Could it be that my guess is correct, and it really has something to do with them." Jian Kuang said to himself, "Haha, damn it! It's all a scam! It's a scam."

Suddenly the sword madness seemed to go crazy, and roared loudly, and then the thousands of giant swords above the heads of the people soared into the sky and exploded in the sky. The powerful sword intent seemed to tear the sky, but just as the sword intent smashed the sky After making a hole, a strange force appeared in an instant, filling up the hole.

As if knowing that this would happen, Jian Kuang murmured again: "As expected, as expected!" Then Jian Kuang's will gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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