Chapter 857 Revenge
Everyone was very puzzled by Jian Kuang's sudden madness, and even more did not understand the meaning of his words.

"A scam? Could it be that the ancient Hongmeng's calamity was a scam? It was a scam set up by someone. It seems that the most powerful people in the ancient times were basically counted. Could it be the Six Ghost Emperor who did not leave traces in later generations?" Wukong I once experienced the Journey to the West scam, and I quickly thought of many things, but it was just a guess or two. I don't know the specific situation, and I don't know whether the guess is correct or not.

"Brother Lu, what do you mean by what Senior Jiankuang said? What kind of scam? And what about the six ghost emperors?" Although the elders of Bai's family didn't understand the specific meaning of what Jiankuang said, they also knew the six ghosts. The ghost emperor must have something to do with the scam Jian Kuangdang Kuangsheng said, but they don't know what kind of scam it is.

"Brother Bai, in my guess, it might have something to do with the fall of Senior Sword Maniac. Of course, this is just my guess. After all, their level of deception is beyond our understanding." Lu Zhiyi thought for a while, and then expressed his guess.

"Brother Lu, do you want to report the situation on our side to the family?" After all, the will of the sword madness appears here, and it is very likely that the legacy of the sword madness is here. People from the five major forces are stronger than them. If you really want to meet the inheritance of Sword Madness, they will not be opponents in the fight.

"Okay, the development here is beyond our control." Lu Zhiyi also agreed with the decision of the Bai family elders.

Both of them transmitted voices secretly, but they had this intention, and the other forces that followed them also had this intention, and also secretly passed on the news to the family.

Regardless of what everyone thinks, Wukong is very interested in the ruins of this ancient city. At the same time, due to the previous conflicts, Wukong decided to separate from these people.

Originally, if Lu Bing hadn't invited him, he wouldn't have joined their team.

"Stop for me, who will allow you to leave?" Just as Wukong and the others walked in another direction, the elders of the Cao family suddenly shouted, and at the same time more than 2 flame dragons gathered in front of Wukong and the others .

"Huh? Haven't you learned the lesson from your nephew?" Wukong didn't show the slightest fear of Cao's elders' obstruction, instead he asked calmly.

"Hmph, it's okay if you don't mention it, and I won't let you leave if I mention it. My nephew died because of you, and now you have to be buried with my nephew." Blame it on Wukong and the others.

"Cao Xiong, Cao Cheng was killed by Senior Swordsman, how could you impose the crime on them." At this moment, Lu Bing stepped forward to rescue Wukong and the others.

"Miss Lu, if it weren't for them, Cheng'er would not have died, and this is a grievance between my Cao family and them, I hope Miss Lu will not interfere." Although Cao Cheng originally went to Wukong and the others to please Lu Bing Afterwards, he recklessly troubled Wukong and the others again and again, resulting in being killed by Sword Maniac, but Cao Xiong didn't dare to shift the responsibility to Lu Bing, at least on the surface, he must be very fond of Lu Bing in his heart. Dissatisfied, especially Lu Bing stood up to help Wukong and the others at this time.

"Bing'er, stop messing around." Lu Zhiyi also stood up and said, but he was trying to persuade Lu Bing not to stop Cao Xiong from 'revenging' Wukong and the others.

After all, Cao Cheng is dead, the Cao family can't seek revenge from Jiankuang, they can only find someone to be the scapegoat, and Wukong and the others just can be that scapegoat, Wukong and the others are like ants to him, he doesn't want to be because of the relationship between a few ants, The relationship with Cao's family is deadlocked.

"Uncle." Lu Bing did not expect that his uncle would also agree with the Cao family to vent their 'revenge' on Wukong and the others.

"Come back to me." Seeing Lu Zhiyi's big move, Lu Bing was restrained by an invisible force and dragged back to Lu Zhiyi's side. At the same time, his voice was also sealed and he could not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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