Chapter 858 Vulnerable

Turning around, seeing Lu Bing's anxious, worried and guilty expression, Wukong said: "Miss Lu, don't worry about us, they can't do anything to us."

Then Wukong looked at Cao Xiong, and said to Cao Xiong with a calm expression but a proud tone: "You only know that Jiankuang is powerful, and you dare not take revenge on him for the death of your nephew, but you want to vent all your anger on us." Body, sorry, you picked the wrong partner, Xiao Ling, get rid of him."

"Okay, I've seen his nephew not pleasing to the eye for a long time, but I didn't expect that someone else would kill him first, and he is as hateful as his nephew, so I will not be polite." Yun Xuanling walked out excitedly.

Wukong knows Yunxuanling's strength very well. Although Yunxuanling is only at the beginning of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao, while the other party is at the peak of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao, Yunxuanling has the powerful power to leapfrog and fight. Just looking at the power of Yanlongpo, Yun Xuanling can definitely be destroyed easily. Of course, Wukong doesn't think this is the opponent's strongest power, but Yun Xuanling is far more than this.

"Damn it, how dare you underestimate me, you all go to hell with me." After Cao Xiong heard the conversation between Wukong and Yun Xuanling, he angrily launched Yanlongpo directly. Originally, he didn't bother to kill Wukong and others by himself. Just now It's just that under anger, he directly launched Yanlong Po to stop Wukong and the others from leaving. Later, he originally wanted his men to go down and kill Wukong and the others, but now he has to kill Wukong and the others himself to relieve his hatred.

I saw the more than 2 flame dragons roaring and swooping towards Wukong and the others.

"I told you I'll take care of you." Yun Xuanling waved his hand lightly, and a crack in space suddenly appeared in front of the more than 2 flame dragons, and more than 2 flame dragons were sucked in like this , disappeared in the blink of an eye, and disappeared together with the space crack, as if it had never appeared.

"This?" Cao Xiong was stunned by this sudden turn of events. He thought he would kill Wukong and the others easily, but he thought it was a big deal when he used Yanlongpo, but in the end, his own Yanlongpo was easily broken by the other party. He just waved his hand casually, which is too much fun!And the energy fluctuations from the other party are obviously the cultivation base of the fourth stage of Supreme Dao, how is this possible?

Not only Cao Xiong was stunned, unable to believe the scene in front of him, but everyone except Wukong had the same expression.

"How is this possible? Since you have such a strong strength, how did you come to compete for the qualification to create a sixth-rate force, and you have never heard of you before, who are you?" Cao Xiong said to Wukong and the others at this moment. Identity has been questioned.

"It has nothing to do with you who we are. What do you do with so much nonsense, you can fight if you want to, and you have to fight if you don't. It's my turn." Yun Xuanling said with a look of contempt.

As soon as the words fell, Yun Xuanling made a move, and Yun Xuanling didn't see any movement, Yun Xuanling just had a thought, and in an instant, nine gates of time and space appeared around Cao Xiong, surrounding Cao Xiong.

The nine gates of time and space instantly blocked the time and space around Cao Xiong, and nine rays of light burst out from the nine gates of time and space. Of course, Cao Xiong would not sit still, and immediately transformed into a magic weapon in the shape of a blue bell, throwing it on top of his head, Immediately, the big blue bell became huge, protecting Cao Xiong.

But the light from the nine time-space gates ignored the defense of the big clock, and directly penetrated the big clock and landed on Cao Xiong's body.

In an instant, Cao Xiong felt a powerful force of time and space acting on his body, the power in his body was draining rapidly, and even the vitality was draining at an incredible speed.

"No!" In the blink of an eye, Cao Xiong quickly disintegrated and disappeared before everyone's eyes, and even the soul disappeared, leaving only a unwilling cry.

So far, Yun Xuanling has eliminated Cao Xiong with absolute power.

At this time, Lu Zhiyi and the others were already numb. Yun Xuanling's Yan Long Po who easily destroyed Cao Xiong earlier was fine, but now that Cao Xiong was destroyed with one blow, Cao Xiong had absolutely no power to fight back. Those who were stronger than Yan Long Po The spell was not cast, and the body died like this, and all this made everyone feel a little unreal.

"We're vulnerable." Of course, Yun Xuanling didn't care what Lu Zhiyi and the others were feeling at this time, so Yun Xuanling left a word and walked towards Wukong and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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