Chapter 859 Peeping
After Wukong and the others disappeared from everyone's sight, everyone gradually recovered.

"The power of time and space rules is so strong that the cultivation base of the early stage of the fourth stage of the Supreme Dao can easily kill Cao Xiong who is at the peak of the fourth stage of the Supreme Dao. Who are these people? Why is there such a monster in our Tianjing County? Could it be that the character is the reason for the coming of the Primordial Tribulation." After the Bai family elders realized it, they did not help the Cao family to chase Wukong and the others.

Although the Cao family is an affiliated force of their family, it is only affiliated. The relationship between them is only for the maintenance of interests and is not reliable. Without knowing the strength of the other party, he will not take the risk of making a move.

Even he was a little afraid of the power of time and space rules that Yunxuanling displayed, not to mention that he could see that Wukong was the leader among them, Yunxuanling was so strong, I don't know what strength Wukong is, he must be stronger, If they are not sure of winning the opponent, the elders of the Bai family will not act rashly.

"His power of time and space rules is very strong, even I can't guarantee that he can break it without paying a certain price." Lu Zhiyi also agreed with the analysis of the Bai family elders, and of course it was to help the Bai family elders step down.

Although the Cao family only has an interest relationship with the Bai family, it is after all a subsidiary force of their Bai family. Cao Xiong was killed in front of the Bai family, and the Bai family did not help. If it spreads, it will affect The reputation of the Bai family.

Of course, Lu Zhiyi did not say a word, this sentence is what he thought in his heart, "The power of time rules that can erupt silently and threaten me at the early stage of the fourth level of Supreme Dao is definitely not his own power. There must be a very powerful space-time magic weapon, and when the family grows old, we must snatch it from them."

In his heart, Lu Zhiyi attributed Yun Xuanling's strength to the fact that Yun Xuanling possessed a very powerful magic weapon of time and space, and he became greedy.

"That's right, they should have strengths that are not weaker than ours. The most important thing now is to explore the ruins, not fight them to the death. After we get out, our Bai family will definitely send someone to help Brother Cao get this justice." Bai Of course, the elders also knew that Lu Zhiyi was looking for a step down for him, so he went down this step and assured the Cao family at the same time.

"Thank you, senior." Although the Cao family also understood that the other party was evading, they also knew that the other party would definitely not take the risk of avenging the Cao family at this time, but sometimes they couldn't speak clearly, and even had to be polite on the surface.

"I'm ashamed of not being able to avenge Brother Cao in time." The elders of the Bai family also said politely.

At this time, Wukong and the others had already moved away from Lu Zhiyi and the others, and moved a certain distance towards the right side of the ancient city.

"What happened to the feeling of being spied on just now? Is there any connection with the scam that Swordsman said before?" Just now, Wukong's powerful Daoxuan suddenly had a wonderful feeling, and Wukong felt that there seemed to be someone in the dark. Observe yourself, but that feeling is fleeting, illusory, and completely clueless.

"Brother Wukong, what's the matter?" Sensing Wukong's strangeness, Yun Xuanling asked suspiciously.

"I feel like someone is spying on us." Wukong didn't hide it either.

"What? Someone is spying on us, where is it?" Yun Xuanling and the others immediately prepared to fight, and at the same time released the holy thoughts to observe the four directions.

"I don't know either. I feel that person is not in this secret realm, not even in Tianjing County. Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil. Let's go and continue exploring the ruins of the ancient city." Wukong shook his head and said.

Yunxuanling and the others were puzzled by what Wukong said. Since Wukong was not afraid, they would not be afraid either, so they continued to explore with Wukong.

(End of this chapter)

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