Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 860: Heaven and Earth Chess Game

Chapter 860: Heaven and Earth Chess Game
At the same time, in the center of the distant holy city, there is a sacred mountain with swaying fairy sounds. A huge palace is located on this sacred mountain. In a courtyard of this palace, two young men are playing chess.

"Interesting, I actually found my observation. It seems that an unexpected change is about to happen this time." One of the purple-robed young men looked at the chess game in front of him, smiled slightly, and said softly.

"It's just a few ants. It's fine if they leave Tianjing County for their own interests. If they want to destroy our world chess game, they are asking for trouble." Another young man in Tsing Yi said nonchalantly.

"Junior brother, based on my observation just now, these people are all people with great luck, and their future as brothers can't be counted. I didn't expect that there would be a few people with great luck in such a remote town. Junior brother don't want it!" Look down on them, maybe our layout will be disrupted because of their appearance." The purple-robed man said with a chuckle.

"Brother, you think highly of them too. So what if they have the same luck as us? Without the protection of a strong background, it is still a question whether they can grow up. After practicing for so long, they have better luck than us and have a big background." We have seen many monster-level geniuses, but there are only a few who can reach our level in the end. The others either have their luck deprived, their cultivation has plummeted, and they will never succeed, or they just fell. Turn into the dust of history." The young man in Tsing Yi retorted.

"Haha, Junior Brother, I didn't say that they will grow to our level in the future. After all, he can perceive my observation, which means that he is not simple, and has such a strong luck, although he may not be able to grow to our level. , but it is still possible to affect our layout in that small place in Tianjing County. So we should make more preparations." The purple-robed man tapped his right hand on the huge chessboard in front of him, and saw that it was like a starry sky The chessboard of the game suddenly changed dramatically.

"Let's not talk about him, but senior brother, your move is really ingenious. Junior brother, I think it's a bit difficult to crack." The young man in Tsing Yi also tapped lightly on the huge chessboard, and the chess game changed dramatically in an instant.

"Junior brother, you are too modest. Don't think I don't know that you also have hidden chess. We both have similar understanding of the way of heaven and earth. It is uncertain who will win and who will lose in this game of heaven and earth chess." The man in purple robe said softly. laughed.

"Hehe!" The man in Tsing Yi smiled and stopped talking. It was indeed a polite sentence just now. Of course it is impossible to ask him to admit defeat. His talent is stronger than that of his senior brother, but his senior brother cultivates the world of masters. It's just that the chess game has been practiced longer than him, so he just said it was a little difficult, not that it couldn't be solved.

"By the way, junior brother, did your junior sister come to our place when we were traveling a few days ago?" The purple-robed man didn't continue to entangle on that topic, but talked about their junior junior sister and brought up this little junior sister. , the man in purple robe showed a pampering expression.

"Well, I heard from Yan Peng that my junior sister came to our place some time ago and entered our chess room for a while." Yan Peng is the eldest disciple of the man in Tsing Yi. When they were traveling some time ago, the man in Tsing Yi asked Yan Peng to come Watch the chess game of heaven and earth here, and feel the way of heaven and earth.

During that time, their junior sister came once and entered the chess room to watch their chess game for a while.

Speaking of this little junior sister, the man in Tsing Yi also showed a doting expression, and at the same time mixed with a hint of admiration, their little junior sister was more talented than them, and the time to comprehend the chess game of heaven and earth was much shorter than him , but his understanding of the way of heaven and earth is much deeper than him, and he is ashamed to be proud.

(End of this chapter)

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